- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\3.2.1852 Bayreuth/D - 15.10.1928 Augsburg/D\Albert Frank graduated as a civil engineer from Munich Royal Technical University. He was from 1881 to 1909 there a Private Lecturer, until 1893 in hydraulic structures and later in water supply and urban wastewater hydraulics. Frank described his open-air laboratory in 1885. He moved to Augsburg in 1909 as a Baudirektor first and was later until retirement a Regierungs-Baudirektor.\Frank's 1881 summary of researches in pipe flow started with the Frenchmen Pierre Du Buat (1734-1809), Gaspard Riche de Prony (1755-1839), Jean-François d'Aubuisson (1769-1841) and Adhémar Barré de Saint-Venant (1797-1884), which was continued by the Germans Johann Albert Eytelwein (1764-1848), Julius Weisbach (1806-1871) and Gustav Zeuner (1828-1907). These works were referred to as the older contributions. The then newer works were conducted by the Frenchmen Henry Darcy (1803-1858), Maurice Lévy (1838-1910), Philippe Gauckler (1826-1905) and the Germans Gotthilf Hagen (1797-1884) and Otto Iben (1844-1905). His 1886 research involved a recommendation to compute flows in both conduits and open channels with the simplified formula of Wilhelm Kutter (1818-1888). New conduits would be best computed with the Darcy formula, whereas open channel flows were best reproduced with the Ganguillet-Kutter formula. The latter approach was popular in the New World as introduced by a translation of the Americans Hering and Trautwine in 1889. It should be noted that all these early contributions to a basic hydraulic problem essentially failed from a modern point of view, because the governing flow parameters were not yet identified. It took other decades until it was realized that the relative roughness height and the fluid viscosity are of relevance.\Anonymous (1968). Technische Hochschule München 1868-1968: 84-91. Oldenbourg: München. Frank, A.(1881). Formeln über die Bewegung des Wassers in Röhren. Civilingenieur 27:162- 222.Frank, A. (1885). Die hydrometrische Prüfanstalt der Kgl. Technischen Hochschule München. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 5(19A): 193-196.Frank, A. (1886). Die Berechnung der Kanäle und Rohrleitungen nach einem neuen einheitlichen System mittels logarithmo-graphischer Tabellen. Oldenbourg: München.Frauenholz, W., Frank, A. (1888). Generelles Projekt zur Verhütung der Überschwemmungen in Nürnberg. Riedel: München.Kukula, R. (1888). Albert Frank. Hochschulen-Almanach: 216. Toeplitz&Deutike: Wien. Reineke, E. (2004). Albert Frank. Personal communication. Deutsches Museum: München. Rosengart, K. (2006). Albert Frank. Personal communication. Stadtarchiv: Augsburg.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.