- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\12.3.1912 Galiny/PL - 20.10.2003 München/D\Ulrich Grigull was born in today's Poland. In 1936 he graduated as a mechanical engineer from the University of Danzig, today's Gdańsk. He was from 1937 a collaborator of Luftfahrt-Forschungsanstalt in Braunschweig-Völkenrode then directed by Ernst Schmidt (1892-1975). Grigull submitted his PhD thesis on the condensation of turbulent films to Braunschweig University in 1941. After three years in the German army and various consulting positions, he became in 1952 a Lecturer at Munich Technical University. Grigull was there appointed in 1961 professor of technical thermodynamics and thus succeeded Schmidt. He was awarded the Carl-Friedrich Gauss Medal from TU Braunschweig, and in 1979 the Arnold-Eucken Medal of the Research Association in Chemical Engineering.\In the 1930s, Grigull was mainly interested in the heat transfer and the hydrodynamics of motor cooling, combustion processes and viscosimetry. In the 1940s and early 1950s, he developed the so-called heat atlas on the condensation of pure steams. Grigull then presented in 1953 the third edition of the successful book previously released by Gröber and Sigmund Erk (1895-1939). This standard work was later translated in four languages and all interested in process engineering should have a look at it. Shortly later, he published the book Technical thermodynamics, another successful book that was also translated in various languages. Grigull's works are characterized by the art of explaining comparatively complicated processes with a simple language, along with excellent figures and photographs. Grigull served for years as a Member of the Board the German journal Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft BWK, and he was an Associate Editor of the journal Chemical Engineering. He was also active for the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer. He may be considered a typical scientist with a great background in practice, paired with a close connection to the industry. Grigull also served as the first president of Technische Universität München.\Grassmann, P. (1972). U. Grigull zum 60. Geburtstag. Wärmeund Stoffübertragung 5(1): 1-2. PGrigull, U. (1951). Wärmeverluste isolierter Rohrleitungen. Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft 3(8): 253-258. PGrigull, U. (1966). Technische Thermodynamik. De Gruyter: Berlin.Gröber, H., Erk, S., Grigull, U. (1955). Die Grundgesetze der Wärmeübertragung. Springer: Berlin, 3rd edition.Mayinger, F. (1987). Ulrich Grigull 80 years. Wärmeund Stoffübertragung 27: 185-186. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.