6.7.1940 Möderndorf/A - 13.8.2004 Wien/A
After graduation as a civil engineer at the Technical University in Vienna TUW, Gerhard Platzer joined in 1968 the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbauversuche und hydrometrische Prüfung, today's Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrometry in Vienna. In 1979, he took over its direction and was able to keep up this institution despite the plans for its closure in 1991. Platzer submitted in 1994 a PhD thesis to TUW. In 1997 he stepped down as director and returned to engineering problems, and finally retired in 2000. He was awarded the Great Austrian Honorary Sign for merits towards his country.
Platzer has particularly added to the natural methods for river improvement. For centuries, rivers were improved by straightening and narrowing their courses, resulting often in inundations because of the lacking space during flood flows. It was realized from the 1960s that a sustainable river development includes the original river features, such as absence of concrete, meanders and morphological elements. Platzer was one among many who successfully were able to convince both politicians and river neighbors that changes had to be made. Still today, there a various groups who counter this general trend, such as farmers because of loss of land, or industries because of space limitation in narrow valleys. The interests of the modern society are so mixed that rivers were often used for public infrastructure combined with recreational areas. There exist worldwide projects with demands relative to less river expansion. Platzer was an Austrian who convinced the public to be reasonable in these demands. He also developed natural means for drop structures, such as block ramps in which no concrete is required and for which the slopes are so small that fish passage is guaranteed.
Hengl, M. (2004). Nachruf für Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerhard Platzer. Personal communication. P
Platzer, G. (1982). Kriterien für den zulässigen spezifischen Abfluss über breite Blocksteinrampen. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 34(5/6): 137-147.
Platzer, G. (1994). Hydraulische Grundlagen für die Dimensionierung ebener und mulden- förmiger Blocksteinrampen mit einer Neigung von 1:10. Dissertation. TU: Wien.
Platzer, G. (1997). Zur Steinstabilität in Rauhgerinnen. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift 142(11/12): 775-782.
Platzer, G. (2000). Dimensionierung muldenförmiger Blocksteinrampen. Schrift 9. Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft: Wien.
Wibmer, K. (1988). 75 Jahre Bundesanstalt für Wasserbauversuche und hydrometrische Prüfung in Wien. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 40(7/8): 169-175.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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