12.3.1874 St. Julian/D - 8.2.1923 Berlin/D
Ludwig Gümbel graduated as a naval engineer from the Berlin Technical University in 1898. He had published as a student a book on the stability problem in 1897 and in 1899 entered the naval works in Elbing founded by Ferdinand Schichau (1814-1896). One year later he joined Hapag-Hamburg works where he was promoted to chief engineer in 1905. In 1906, he moved to the Atlas naval engineers in Bremen from where he was appointed in 1910 professor of naval engineering at Berlin Technical University, after having submitted a PhD thesis there in 1909. Gümbel served through World War I in the German Forces and there was wounded in 1917, which finally led to his premature death six years later.
Once Gümbel was at Berlin Technical University, his career was devoted exclusively to research. His particular interests were the physical analysis of fluids, the performance of naval propellers, vibration problems in naval engineering and fluid friction and lubrication associated to ship movement. Towards the end of World War I he was also transferred to the submarine boat troops in Kiel to collaborate with the Kaiser's U-Boot fleet. Gümbel was awarded the Silver Medal of Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft STG, various war decorations and the Silver Medal of Berlin Technical University for his excellent graduation in 1899. He was an active promoter of German naval engineering and a great researcher in naval propulsion. Everling published posthumously in 1925 research notes of Gümbel relating to lubrication of mechanical elements and thus saved valuable information left by his former mentor that had passed away much too early.
Anonymous (1923). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gümbel. ZAMM 3(1): 72.
Anonymous (1924). Ludwig Gümbel. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 25: 37-38. P
Gümbel, L. (1913). Das Problem des Oberflächenwiderstandes. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 14: 393-509.
Gümbel, L. (1913). On the criterion for the occurence of cavitation. Trans. INA 55: 118-136.
Gümbel, L. (1918). Das Schraubengesetz, seine zweckmässige Darstellung und Ermittlung durch vier Einzelversuche. Zeitschrift Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 9(23/24): 153- 158.
Gümbel, L. (1919). Zur Theorie der hydrometrischen Schraube. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Turbinenwesen 16(15): 137-140.
Gümbel, L. (1920). Über den Zusammenhang der absoluten Zähigkeit eines Schmiermittels mit der Temperatur. Zeitschrift Technische Physik 1: 47-51.
Gümbel, L., Everling, E. (1925). Reibung und Schmierung im Maschinenbau. Krayn: Berlin.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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