- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\25.4.1844 Hamburg/D - 21.1.1905 Hamburg/D\Otto Iben was an engineer of Hamburg city. In 1880, Iben conducted for the city of Hamburg a large research resulting in an equation for the head losses of water supply pipes. Later, he determined the water usage for his city for design purposes relating to the water supply of urban regions. Iben presented a table in which the per head daily water consumption for a number of cities are listed. In 1887, Iben made a notable study on the effect of incrusted water supply pipelines on the head losses, and technical methods for pipe cleaning to reduce the losses. Finally, in 1895, he presented a booklet in which the previous and additional information on the water supply regimes of a number of German cities is listed.\Iben was known for an experimental research on the head losses associated with water flow in cast-iron pipes, as were used in the 19th century for water supply in cities. After a review of experiments conducted in various German cities in the 1870s, similar to those of Henry Darcy (1803-1858) in Paris, Iben proposed the application of Darcy's formula for new conduits. However, as first noted by Darcy, used pipes have a completely different roughness behavior because of incrustations by both chemical and biological processes. Whereas Darcy made a simple provision for that significant effect, Iben came up with a modification of the original Darcy approach.\Gabrielsson, P. (2005). Carl Otto Iben. Personal communication. Staatsarchiv: Hamburg. Iben, O. (1880). Druckhöhen-Verlust in geschlossenen eisernen Rohrleitungen. Meissner: Hamburg.Iben, O. (1880). Druckhöhenverluste in geschlossenen Rohrleitungen. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 23: 533-542; 23: 581-588.Iben, O. (1880). Druckhöhenverluste in geschlossenen Rohrleitungen. Verein von Gasund Wasser-Fachmännern Deutschlands Verhandlungen: 91-108. Wolf: München.Iben, O. (1880). Über den Wasserverbrauch verschiedener Städte. Gesundheits-Ingenieur3(22): 295-297; 3(23): 315-318.Iben, O. (1885), Versuche mit einem Körting'schen Wasserstrahl-Elevator. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 28(10): 253-255; 28(31): 866.Iben, O. (1887). Incrustierte Wasserleitungen und deren Reinigung. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 30: 716-730.Iben, O. (1895). Abgabebestimmungen, Wasserpreise und Bedingungen für die Herstellung der Hausleitungen für die Wasserversorgung von 137 Städten. Oldenbourg: München.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.