- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\28.9.1886 Göttingen/D - 28.6.1973 Hannover/D\Burchard Körner graduated as a civil engineer from Hannover Technical University in 1911 to join the Corps of Roads and Water until 1919, during which time he had also to participate in World War I. In 1919 he was appointed Regierungs-Baumeister and worked for the Ihle-Plauer Canal, and from 1922 for the Weser-Main Canal. As a Regierungs-Baurat he headed Preussische Versuchsanstalt für Wasser-, Erdund Schiffbau in Berlin from 1926. From 1933 he headed the Landesanstalt für Gewässerkunde of the Prussian Ministry of agriculture and forests. He was in 1937 appointed professor of foundation and hydraulic engineering at TU Hannover and directed the Franzius-Institut founded by Otto Franzius (1877-1936). Körner retired in 1951.\Körner is known for hydraulic works during his stay at the Preussische Versuchsanstalt, then the Mecca of river engineering in Europe. His interest was fluvial hydraulics; he contributed papers to the sediment transport in tidal rivers, a topic of interest for harbor extensions in Germany. Körner initiated systematic investigation of coastal hydraulics related to sediment currents and transport, which was then applied for coastal protection against erosion. During his stay with the Prussian Institution of Water Resources and as professor he turned to problems related to the observation of hydrologic parameters. He also published a bibliography on that topic with works presented throughout Germany.\Anonymous (2006). Burchard Volkmar Georg Körner. Catalogus professorum 1831-2006 2: 268. Olms: Hildesheim. PKoch, X. (1966). Burchard Körner 80 Jahre. Wasserwirtschaft 56(12): 413-414.Körner, B. (1929). Der Walzenschieber, ein neuer Absperrund Regelschieber mit günstigen hydraulischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 24(1): 1-6. Körner, B. (1929). Neuere Formen der Grundablassund Umlaufverschlüsse und die Frage der Kavitation. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 24(23): 326-328; 24(24): 339-342.Körner, B. (1929). Brief description of some noteworthy experiments. Hydraulic laboratory practice: 284-300, J.R. Freeman, ed. ASME: New York. PKörner, B. (1933). Erforschung der physikalischen Gesetze, nach welchen die Durchsickerung des Wassers durch eine Talsperre oder durch den Untergrund stattfindet. Untersuchungs-Methoden über Baumaterial eines Erddammes: 1-38, R. Seifert, ed. Berlin.Körner, B., Krey, H.D. (1935). Modellversuche für Fluss mit starker Geschiebebewegung ohne erkennbare Bankwanderung. Ernst&Sohn: Berlin.Körner, B. (1948). Die Flusskanalisierung - Erfahrungen und Lehren. Das Wasser 1(1): 15-22.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.