- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\29.1.1891 Magdeburg/D - 14.1.1966 Düsseldorf/D\Fritz Kretzschmer is known for research in hydraulic measuring and control techniques. He initiated his professional career with the Röchling Iron works at Völklingen in the Saar region after World War I where he developed the ring balance later used for precise pressure measurement. The firm was taken over in 1925 by Hartmann & Braun in Frankfurt, where Kretzschmer continued hydraulic works mainly related to diaphragms and nozzles for air flow, of which the results were published in 1928 with Max Jakob (1879-1955). Kretzschmer was in 1928 a founding member of the working group Discharge measurements of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI.\Kretzschmer has published in the 1950s two books. The 1955 book had a total of seven editions and treats discharge measurement of air flow with diaphragms. This method was popular during these days but is by now replaced by simpler and more accurate procedures. The 1958 book relates to pneumatic regulation devices. Kretzschmer took also interest in historical writings, such as his 1958 book with documents describing the techniques that were applied by the Romans or the development of the bath in the middle ages. Kretzschmer headed also an exhibition organized by VDI in 1958 where the technical knowledge of the Romans was discussed. He was awarded the VDI-Ehrenplakette in 1960.\Anonymous (1961). Dr.-Ing. Fritz Kretzschmer 70 Jahre. VDI-Nachrichten (4): 11. PAnonymous (1966). Fritz Kretzschmer. Brennstoff, Wärme, Kraft 18(2): 96.Anonymous (2006). Dr. Friedrich Hermann Robert Kretzschmer. Standesamt: Düsseldorf. Jakob, M., Kretzschmer, F. (1928). Die Durchflusszahlen von Normdüsen und Normalstaurändern für Rohrdurchmesser von 100 bis 1000 mm. Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens 311. VDI-Verlag: Berlin.Kretzschmer, F. (1935). Über U-Rohr-Geräte zur Feindruckmessung. Die Messtechnik 11(1): 1- 6; 11(3): 50-51.Kretzschmer, F. (1936). Strömungsform und Durchflusszahl der Messdrosseln. Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens 381. VDI-Verlag: Berlin.Kretzschmer, F. (1955). Taschenbuch der Durchflussmessung mit Blenden für Betriebsleute und Werkswärmestellen gemeinfasslich dargestellt. VDI-Verlag: Düsseldorf.Kretzschmer, F. (1958). Pneumatische Regler. VDI-Verlag: Düsseldorf. Kretzschmer, F. (1958). Bilddokumente römischer Technik. VDI-Verlag: Düsseldorf.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.