22.10.1890 Kirchbichl/A - 10.6.1981 Wien/A
Bernhard Ramsauer studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Vienna for two years and then moved to Hochschule für Bodenkultur, where he graduated as an environmental engineer in 1913. After war participation, he joined the Salzburg Drainage Office, submitted a PhD thesis in 1923 on soil investigations and developed a soil laboratory. In 1935 he was appointed environmental expert in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and was a founding member of the Environmental Engineers' Association one year later. After the integration of Austria into the German Reich, he was suspended from his position in 1938 and continued as a practicing engineer. After World War II he returned to the Ministry as head of the Department for Irrigation and Drainage. From 1946 to 1955 he founded and directed the National Institute of Cultural Techniques and Soil Science in Petzenkirchen. In 1948 Ramsauer was appointed Honorary Lecturer at the Hochschule für Bodenkunde for soil sciences. One year later he was a founding member and the editor until 1956 of the journal Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft. In the 1950s Ramsauer was in associations that advanced soil sciences, and founded in addition the Austrian Association of Soil Sciences in 1954, which he presided for the following four years. Also, he was a Board member of Österreichischer Ingenieurund Architekten-Verein until 1957.
Ramsauer was thus indeed a person whose life was directed with all details of soil related to water flow. Among many other awards, he received the Honorary Doctorate from Hannover Technical University in 1956, the year of his retirement, and the Golden Doctoral Diploma from his home university in 1974.
Anonymous (1973). Sektionschef Prof. Dr. Dr.e.h. B. Ramsauer, Wien. 100 Jahre Hochschule für Bodenkultur in Wien 1872-1972 2: 79-80. Hochschule für Bodenkultur: Wien. P
Blümel, F. (1981). Nachruf für Sektionschef Bernhard Ramsauer. Zeitschrift für Kulturtechnik und Flurbereinigung 22: 321-322. P
Leibnitz, F. (1981). Bernhard Ramsauer gestorben. Wasserwirtschaft 71(9): 272-273.
Payr, K. (1977). Sektionschef i.R. Privatdozent tit.a.o. Professor Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat. Dr.-Ing.E.h.
Bernhard Ramsauer. Beiträge zur Technikgeschichte des Tirols 7: 19-26. P
Ramsauer, B. (1924). Bodenuntersuchung und Bodenkarte des Schulgutes Oberalm und angrenzender Parzellen. Landes-Meliorationsamt: Salzburg.
Ramsauer, B. (1936). Verdunstungsmessung. Wasserwirtschaft und Technik 3(18/19): 189-200. Wurzer, E. (1981). Prof. Dr. B. Ramsauer. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 33(7/8): 187. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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