3.2.1896 Dresden/D - 30.5.1966 Chorley Wood/UK
Gustav Viktor Lachmann was injured due to spinning during a flight mission in World War I. In 1918 he patented the column wing as a means to control spinning and developed a design during the PhD thesis presented in 1925 to Aachen University. In the meantime Sir Frederick Handley Page (1885-1962) had realized the advantages of column wings to improve aerodynamic lift. Lachmann and Page developed at the Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt AVA in Göttingen this wing. Lachmann moved to England in 1929 as a chief engineer with Page. During World War II Lachmann was interned due to German citizenship although his contributions to the British Air Force. Lachmann returned in 1947 to Page and became a British in 1949. From 1953, he was the scientific director of Handley Page aviation industries.
Lachmann was an expert of boundary layer control. His 1961 book is a summary of researches made over 40 years. It contains in addition articles of eminent scientists in this field describing their experiences with boundary layer control. The causes for aerodynamic stall and the effect of control elements on wing resistance are highlighted. Lachmann was awarded the Taylor Gold Medal and the Wakefield Gold Medal from the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Honorary Doctorate from Aachen Technical University and he was elected by Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Luftund Raumfahrt WGLR to Honorary Member in 1962. He was a promoter for the German-British collaboration in aviation and a founder of the Reynolds-Prandtl Lecture.
Anonymous (1959). Dr. G.V. Lachmann. Interavia 14: 947. P
Anonymous (1967). Gustav Viktor Lachmann. Zeitschrift Flugwissenschaften 15(12): 515-
517. P
Betz, A. (1966). Gustav Viktor Lachmann. Jahrbuch WGLR: 397-398.
Blenk, H. (1966). Gustav Viktor Lachmann. Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften 14(3): 121. Lachmann, G.V. (1921). Das unterteilte Flächenprofil. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 12(11): 164-169.
Lachmann, G.V. (1923). Die Strömungsvorgänge an einem Profil mit vorgelagertem Hilfsflügel. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 14(9/10): 71-79.
Lachmann, G.V. (1924). Neuere Versuchsergebnisse mit Spaltflügeln. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 15(10): 109-116; 15(15/16): 173-176; 15(17/18): 181-185.
Lachmann, G.V. (1930). Praktische Erfahrungen mit dem automatischen Spaltflügel. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 21(16): 409-418; 21(17): 440-448.
Lachmann, G.V. (1961). Boundary layer flow control. Pergamon Press: Oxford.

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