11.8.1855 Burg/DK - 5.2.1935 Naumburg-Saale/D
Adolf Niese originated from Fehmarn in today's Denmark. After graduation as a civil engineer from Hannover University, he was appointed in 1884 Regierungs-Baumeister and collaborated for the river works in Schleswig-Holstein first. From 1886 to 1895 he was in charge of the then executed Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal. He was transferred later as a Royal Prussian hydraulic engineer to Marienburg in 1895, to Danzig in 1896 and further to the Vistula River to head the works in Thorn from 1898 to 1902. Later he moved to Marienwerder in Prussia, today's Kwidzyn in Poland. In 1912 Niese was appointed Oberbaurat and director of the Vistula River department where large works waited to be executed. After World War I, the Germans had to transfer Western Prussia to Poland, such that Niese was retired in 1922.
The Vistula River is one of the large water courses in Europe. Its length is over 1,000 km with the sources in the Western Carpathian Mountains. The river flows essentially from the South to the North, thereby passing the city of Warsaw and discharging in Gdańsk into the Baltic Sea. Today, the river is still in an almost natural environment. Niese's works related mainly to the improvement of the dikes that were periodically destroyed after large floods, and to the mouth of Nogat River into the Vistula. Definite proposals for a timely improvement of the river engineering works along the Vistula River were made in the 1918 paper. A general account on the Prussian Vistula River reach was given in the 1919 booklet, shortly before Niese retired from his position. Niese also reported the large damages that were caused from the 1904 storm in the Stralsund region and proposed measures for a better protection against future similar events.
Anonymous (1912). Regierungsund Baurat Adolf Niese. Zeitschrift für Binnenschiffahrt
19(5): 135.
Anonymous (1930). Strombaudirektor i.R. A. Niese. Zeitschrift für Binnenschiffahrt 37(8): 401. Niese, A. (1910). Massnahmen zur Beseitigung der Sturmflutschäden vom 30./31. Dezember 1904 an der Aussenküste des Regierungsbezirks Stralsund. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 60: 254-264.
Niese, A., Schmidt, G.E. (1918). Vorschläge zum weiteren Ausbau der Weichsel zur Förderung der Schiffbarkeit. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 68: 202-220.
Niese, A. (1919). Die preussische Weichsel. Technische Universität: Danzig-Langfuhr. Wulle, R. (1935). Adolf Niese. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 55(8): 145-146.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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