- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\3.4.1926 Stettin/D - 3.12.2004 Hannover/D\Hans-Werner Partenscky graduated in 1953 as a civil engineer from Karlsruhe Technical University and there remained as an assistant. He gained the PhD title in 1957 and moved for two years as a Fulbright Student to Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT in Boston USA. In 1960 he joined the Civil Engineering Faculty of Laval University in Quebec, Canada and there headed its hydraulic laboratory. Partenscky submitted in 1964 a second doctoral thesis in physics to Toulouse University, France, and in 1965 was appointed professor of hydraulics at Montreal University, Canada and there significantly contributed to problems in coastal hydraulics. Partenscky followed a call of Hannover University in 1971 as professor of transportation hydraulics and the director of its Franzius-Institut.\Partenscky's contribution to hydraulic engineering is mainly in problems of coastal and marine hydraulics. He took interest in lock maneuvers during his PhD thesis, then changed to questions in dynamic forces as occur in fluid flow and there developed into an international expert. He in parallel served as a consultant all over the world, notably for Canada, Spain, India, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia and Brazil. Partensky was an active member of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR, the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE and the Permanent International Association of Naval Congresses PIANC. Further, he was involved in the standardization of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI. He was awarded the Medal of Science and Invention from France in 1968, and the Honorary Doctorate from the East China Technical University, Nanjing in 1985. In 1991, he received the same honor from Wrocław University, Poland.\Mathias, H.J., Partenscky, H.-W. (1985). Beeinflussung integraler Kenngrössen und der Strömungsstruktur des hydraulischen Feststofftransports durch Feststoffzugabe. Technische Universität: Hannover.Partenscky, H.-W. (1984). Binnenverkehrswasserbau - Schiffhebewerke. Springer: Berlin. Partenscky, H.-W. (1987). Neue Bemessungskriterien für senkrechte und geschüttete Wellenbrecher. Jahrbuch Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft 42: 233-254.Partenscky, H.-W., ed. (1992). Wave impact loading of vertical structures. 3rd Workshop held at Franzius Institute. Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen: Hannover.Passlack, G. (1971). Prof. Partenscky. Wasser und Boden 23(8): 241. PSeidel, R. (1981). Partenscky, Hans-Werner. Universität Hannover 1831-1981 2: 226. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.