29.8.1919 Beuthen/D - 20.8.1997 Wolfsburg/D
Hartwig Petermann graduated from the Breslau Technical University in 1944 and submitted a PhD thesis in 1948 to the TU Braunschweig, with Carl Pfleiderer (1881-1960) as his supervisor. Petermann then spent some years with Brown, Boveri & Cie BBC in Mannheim, where he was responsible for steam turbines. In 1953 Petermann was appointed professor at TU Braunschweig and remained there until retirement in 1984. He continued with research and updated his book on hydraulic machinery.
Petermann is known for a book that was originally published by his mentor Pfleiderer first in 1952, and that has been re-edited six times until today. It is one of the relatively rare general works in this topic, and both Pfleiderer and Petermann were able to present the essence of hydro-machinery over the past fifty years. The book includes the following chapters: (1) General, (2) Flow in turbine, (3) Dangers of cavitation and supersonicity, (4) Design of turbine, (5) Guide vanes, (6) Running behavior of turbines, (7) Hydraulic losses, (8) Particularities of thermal machinery, (9) Hydrodynamic transformator, and (10) Jet propulsion. Its success lies certainly in the clear basic approach, the explanation of problems using both figures and examples, the small amount of references guiding the further reading. These qualities are often found in German monographs, along with an excellent appearance of the books. Petermann was also a specialist in turbo-machinery where he published also excellent review papers. The 1960 book of Petermann gives design details of turbo-machinery and proves his knowledge in modern manufacturing methods of these important elements in mechanical engineering.
Anonymous (1994). Kolloquium Strömungsmaschinen: Stand der Forschung und neue Anforderungen. Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Hartwig Petermann gewidmet. Faragallah: Sulzbach P
Petermann, H. (1956). Über den Strömungsverlauf in Axialverdichtern mit konstanter Reaktion von 50%. Konstruktion 8: 1-5.
Petermann, H. (1956). Kreiselpumpen. Zeitschrift VDI 98: 1306-1311.
Petermann, H. (1960). Konstruktion und Bauelemente von Strömungsmaschinen. Springer:Berlin. Petermann, H. (1974). Einführung in die Strömungsmaschinen. Springer: Berlin.
Pfleiderer, C., Petermann, H. (1991). Strömungsmaschinen. Springer: Berlin.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Petermann, Hartwig. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch
7a: 534-535; 8: 2002. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.
Rütschi, K. (1989). Würdigung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petermann: Wirken am Pfleiderer-Institut für Strömungsmaschinen, TU Braunschweig. Forschung Ingenieurwesen 55(5): 133-134. P

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