3.7.1881 Waiblingen/D - 7.8.1960 Braunschweig/D
Carl Pfleiderer graduated in 1905 from the Stuttgart Technical University and there submitted a PhD thesis in 1906. He then stayed at this institution as an assistant until being appointed in 1911 professor of hydraulic machinery at the Technical University of Braunschweig, until retirement in 1953. His successor was Hartwig Petermann (1919-1997). Pfleiderer was awarded the honorary doctorate from Stuttgart Technical University in 1951 and he was decorated with the title Ehrensenator from his Braunschweig University. He was given the Cross of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany in 1956 and received Honorary Membership of Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI in 1951.
Pfleiderer was known as father of the centrifugal pump, given the long years that he developed the device and the many patents he kept on its design. His book on these pumps was published in 1924 and saw a large number of re-editions and translations in foreign languages. The other successful book on hydro machinery was first published in 1952 and re-edited by his collaborator Petermann. The book was and still is considered a key text for students in hydro machinery, given the excellent and concise introduction into the subject matter, its relevance to the actual design procedures and its excellent presentation of both theory and applications.
Petermann, H. (1960). Carl Pfleiderer. Jahrbuch WGL: 487-489, with bibliography. Pfleiderer, C. (1914). Zur Berechnung der Wasserstrahl-Luftpumpen. Zeitschrift VDI 58(24): 965-973; 58(25): 1011-1016.
Pfleiderer, C. (1924). Die Kreiselpumpen. Springer: Berlin.
Pfleiderer, C. (1929). Der gegenwärtige Stand des Kreiselpumpenbaues. Zeitschrift VDI 73(4): 126-130; 73(6): 177-187.
Pfleiderer, C. (1938). Erfahrungen und Fortschritte in der Berechnung der Kreiselpumpen. Zeitschrift VDI 82(9): 263-267.
Pfleiderer, C. (1950). Die Kavitationsgrenze bei Pumpen und Turbinen. Zeitschrift VDI 92(23): 629-635.
Pfleiderer, C. (1952). Strömungsmaschinen. Springer: Berlin.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Pfleiderer, Carl. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 7a: 556; 7a: 151*; 8: 2006. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.
Schneider, W. (1963). Prof. Pfleiderer. Die TH Braunschweig: 146. Länderdienst-Verlag: Berlin. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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