- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\26.3.1863 Mürzzuschlag/A - 7.2.1937 Berlin/D\Emil Prinz made studies at the Universities of Prague, Munich and Aachen, from where he graduated as a civil engineer in 1885. Prinz then developed into an expert in questions of hydrology and applied his knowledge mainly to water supply. He thereby initiated his career with Adolf Thiem (1836-1908), the German nestor of water supply and groundwater techniques. In 1890 Prinz founded his consulting office right in a time during which many German communities sought advice for modern water supply systems. Eventually Prinz also became a specialist in hydrology and served as an expert both in the German speaking regions as also all through Europe.\The Handbuch of Prinz is certainly the main work published during his career. The second edition contains the following chapters: (1) Subsurface waters, (2) Sources, (3) Groundwater, (4) Subsurface water courses, (5) Physical, chemical, bacteorological and biological-microscopic investigations, (6) Groundwater prospection. The book has some 400 pages illustrated with 334 figures and includes some 400 references. The book was so successful because both experts and general engineers were able to find a direct approach to a specific problem. A certain question is first introduced with an example from the engineering practice, and solved both by a basic approach if possible, or by using a detailed description to point to specific issues of the entire hydraulic problem. In the papers, Prinz contributed particularly to the well problem, of which he had a detailed knowledge from his collaboration with Thiem. He was - as was also Thiem - a consultant for a number of larger projects in which water supply was a concern, and where he was able to support the local authorities with his large background knowledge.\Denner, J. (1937). Emil Prinz. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 32(4): 78.Prinz, E. (1905). Das Wasserwerk der Stadt Salzwedel. Technisches Gemeindeblatt 8(10): 145- 150; 8(11): 167-170; 8(12): 180-183.Prinz, E. (1906). Die Trockenhaltung des Untergrundes mittels Grundwasserabsenkung. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 26(93): 594-598.Prinz, E. (1908). Bau und Lebensdauer von Brunnenanlagen. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 51(15): 318-324.Prinz, E. (1919). Handbuch der Hydrologie. Springer: Berlin, 2nd edition in 1923. Prinz, E., Kampe, R. (1934). Quellen: Süsswasserund Mineralquellen. Springer: Berlin. Weiland, H. (1962). In memoriam Emil Prinz. Gwf/wasser-abwasser 103(18): 441.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.