- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\30.5.1855 Oberröblingen/D - 26.5.1926 Magdeburg/D\Ernst Roloff graduated as a civil engineer from the Berlin Polytechnic in 1877 to join the Prussian Water Service in Berlin. In the 1880s he made a study trip to Sweden. He was then a design engineer for the Oder-Spree-Kanal in Northern Germany and there was particularly involved in the regulation and lock structures in Havel. From 1891 to 1898 posted in Oppeln, Roloff headed the works for canalizing Oder River. He was later appointed vice-director of Oder River in Breslau, today's Wrocław in Poland. In 1901, Roloff moved to Marienwerder in Eastern Prussia, today also in Poland. From 1903 finally, he directed the Elbe River thereby using his wide knowledge in improving one of the largest rivers in Central Europe. During his term, the average discharge regulation of Elbe River was completed which was the basis for extensive use of this water course. Roloff retired in 1922 after having initiated the low discharge regulation of "his river".\Roloff was one of the Prussian hydraulic engineers that contributed significantly to one of Germany's large rivers. His works in hydraulic engineering were oriented towards definite hydraulic structure, and his publications describe these works. A first paper was directed towards the works then undertaken in the United States. The typical hydraulic engineer of the late decades of the 19th century had extremely limited design bases and usually adopted a previously successful and similar project. Roloff was a Member of the Permanent International Navigation Congress organization PIANC and in 1905 there presented his experiences relative to dredging in rivers. In his 1910 work, he wrote on dams then being planned in Germany and their effect in terms of public works.\Roloff, E. (1895). Mitteilungen über nordamerikanisches Wasserbauwesen. Berlin.Roloff, E. (1905). Wirkung der Baggerungen auf die Sohle der Flüsse. 10 Schiffahrts-Kongress Milano 1(6): 1-11.Roloff, E. (1907). Statistische Nachweisungen über die ausgeführten Wasserbauten des preussischen Staates. Ernst&Sohn: Berlin.Roloff, E. (1910). Der Talsperrenbau in Deutschland und Preussen. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 60: 556-573.Roloff, E. (1912). Die Vertiefung der Elbe. Zeitschrift für Binnenschiffahrt 19(2): 27-35. Schelten, X., Roloff, E. (1895). Geschichte der Strandschutzbauten auf der Insel Baltrum. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 45: 388-399.Zander, W. (1926). Ernst Roloff. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 46(24): 301-302.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.