- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\4.4.1859 Bromberg/D - 21.2.1926 Berlin/D\Hans Schultz started his studies in mechanical engineering and changed to civil engineering after two years to graduate in 1884 at the Technical University of Berlin. From 1889 he collaborated for the Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal, where he was in close contact with Johann Fülscher (1831-1915), then the head of this important canal project. From 1896 to 1899 Schultz was at the Ministry of Public Works in the capital and then successively moved to Swinemünde and to Tönning for harbor works. In 1903 he was appointed director of the Harburg hydraulic office on the Elbe River close to the city of Hamburg, where he was in charge of the harbor improvements. He was appointed Baurat in 1906 and transferred in 1907 to the expansion of the Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal, which he directed for the following 13 years. In 1920 he returned again to the Ministry of Public Works as a Ministerialrat and was in charge of the North Sea section. Schultz retired in 1924.\Schultz was considered an excellent engineer in all matters relating to hydraulic works in Prussia. His career was devoted particularly to the Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal connecting the North Sea with the Baltic Sea. The original canal was built from 1887 to 1895 and expanded from 1907 to 1919. After World War I, this German waterway was open for all nations in peace with Germany. According to the Versailles Treaty, the canal was then renamed Kiel-Kanal, the name it has kept until today. It originally served mainly military purposes and is currently used for goods transportation. Thanks to Schultz, the Canal was open all during the War and then extensively used by the Kaiser's fleet. Schultz was a Member of the Prussian Academy of Architecture from 1923 and was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Berlin Technical University in 1924.\Fülscher, J., Schultz, H. (1898). Der Bau des Kaiser Wilhelm Kanals. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen48(1): 41-81; 48(2): 206-281; 48(3): 442-489; 48(4): 694-752.Lohmeyer, E. (1926). Geheimer Baurat Hans W. Schultz. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung46(10): 126.Schultz, H.W., Wulle, K. (1905). Der Hafen von Harburg, insbesondere seine in der Ausführung begriffene Erweiterung. Lühmann: Harburg/Elbe.Schultz, H.W. (1913). Der Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 14: 156-191.Schultz, H.W. (1915). Wirklicher Geheimer Oberbaurat Dr. Fülscher. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 35(53): 349-350. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.