- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\13.9.1828 Ilfeld/D - 25.2.1919 Darmstadt/D\Eduard Sonne graduated from Hannover University in 1849. From 1850 to 1855 he was occupied with railway projects and then contributed to the sea harbor of Emden on the North Sea. In 1866, he was appointed professor of engineering at the Stuttgart Polytechnic School, where he was involved mainly in railway projects. Following an academic call to the Darmstadt Polytechnic School in 1872, he there continued until early retirement in 1895. He was awarded the title Geheimer Baurat in 1886 by the Duke of the Hesse County, the Honorary Doctorate from Darmstadt Technical University in 1908, and the Honorary Membership of the Association of the Middle-Rhine Engineers and Architects, of which he was a founding member in 1874.\Sonne was a general engineer that lectured in topics as wide as highway and railroad engineering, hydraulic engineering and surveying. He has written papers in hydraulic engineering relating to the design of water supply schemes and flow features in canals. His particular merit was the foundation of the engineering handbook in 1880, together with Ludwig Franzius (1832-1903). The first edition published in the 1880s includes volumes on bridges, railroads, hydraulic structures, foundation and tunnels, and engineering machinery. In 1904 Sonne published a book on hydraulic structures dedicated to students and young engineers. It was correctly stated in the birthday wishes to Sonne in 1908 that no other nation had to offer an engineering encyclopedia as rich and complete as the Germans had prepared. Sonne was a member of the editorial board of the Zeitschrift des Hannoverschen Architektenund Ingenieur-Vereins, an early engineering journal founded in 1855 and lasting for forty years.\Anonymous (1908). Zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Eduard Sonne in Darmstadt. Deutsche Bauzeitung 42(76): 524.Sonne, E., Simons, A. (1879). Zur Frage der Wassergewinnung für die Stadt Darmstadt.Denkschrift: Darmstadt.Sonne, E., Esselborn, K. (1904). Elemente des Wasserbaues für Studierende höherer Lehranstalten und jüngere Techniker. Engelmann: Leipzig.Sonne, E. (1905). Die Rückströmungen in Schiffahrtskanälen. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung25(23): 147-148.Sonne, E. (1907). Grundlagen für die Berechnung der Wasserleitungen. Zeitschrift VDI 51(41): 1615-1621.Wegele, H. (1919). Eduard Sonne. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 37(23): 149-150.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.