- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\26.8.1900 Chealsea MI/USA - 26.8.1984 Washington DC/USA\Herbert Vogel graduated from West Point in 1924, studied engineering at the University of California, took a doctorate at the University of Berlin in 1929 and returned in 1933 to the University of Michigan to explore experimental hydraulics. He designed in 1930 the US Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg MI for the Corps of Engineers. During World War II he served in the South Pacific from Australia to Japan. After retirement from the Army as a Brigadier General, he was appointed chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA in 1954 for a term of 9 years. He moved in 1963 to Washington DC to serve as an engineering consultant to the World Bank until 1967 when he founded the Herbert D. Vogel & Associates Engineering Company. Vogel was awarded Honorary Membership of ASCE, among many other decorations.\Vogel is credited with the introduction of large scale experimentation into the United States. After his stay in Berlin as one of the first Freeman Scholars he brought European knowledge to the USA. At this time large-scale hydraulic modeling was in fashion in Germany. Based on the proposal of Hubert Engels (1854-1945) and Otto Kirschmer (1898-1967), the open-air hydraulic laboratory in Obernach close to Munich was founded where mainly large river models were investigated. Vogel noticed these developments and suggested similar procedures in the United States. These models were considered important for investigating rivers before computational hydraulics was available. Today, a combined numerical and experimental approach is commonly used.\Anonymous (1954). Vogel, named to head TVA, tops to long Army career. Engineering News Record 153(August 12): 63-66. PAnonymous (1984). Vogel, authority on flood control, dies. Civil Engineering 54(11): 78. PDavis, G. ed. (1985). Vogel, Herbert D. Who's who in engineering: 682. American Association of Engineering Societies: Washington.Vogel, H.D. (1929). Einfluss der Entwaldung auf Regelung der Flüsse. Dissertation. TU Berlin. Vogel, H.D. (1934). Movement of bed load in a forked flume. Civil Engineering 4(2): 73-77. Vogel, H.D. (1935). Practical river laboratory hydraulics. Trans. ASCE 100: 118-184.Vogel, H.D. (1935). Origin of the Waterways Experiment Station. The Military Engineer53(3/4): 132-135.Vogel, H.D. (1936). Hydraulic laboratory results and their verification in nature. Trans. ASCE101: 597-629.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.