- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\17.9.1876 Alten-Buseck/D - 2.3.1945 Bad Salzhausen/D\Wilhelm Wagenbach graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Berlin Technical University in 1899, then collaborated with Ernst Reichel (1857-1934) and submitted there a habilitation thesis in 1905. Wagenbach was appointed in 1910 professor of hydraulic machinery at the Technical University of Breslau first; he moved in this position in 1921 to Darmstadt Technical University, once Ernst Braun (1878-1962) had left for the Hannover Technical University. Wagenbach developed research between the two World Wars until retirement in 1942. During this era, his interests were the development of instrumentation for investigating the internal flow features of Pelton turbines and the technical improvement of their performance in practice.\Wagenbach's first works related to Pelton turbines introduced in the 19th century for high hydraulic heads. His experimental studies were partly made in collaboration with Reichel. Later, Wagenbach also investigated other types of turbines and thus added in the 1930s to this rapidly growing branch of hydraulic engineering. Wagenbach further presented a notable paper on the discharge measurement with triangular weirs in 1910. These V-notch weirs are known for precise discharge measurement particularly for relatively small heads. Until the inductive discharge measurement was available in the 1960s, the V-notch furnished the most precise discharge in the hydraulic laboratory.\Anonymous (1980). Die Hochschullehrer 1836-1945. Technische Hochschule: Darmstadt. Prandtl, L. (1925). Hydraulik-Tagung in Göttingen. VDI-Nachrichten 5(15.7.): Beiblatt 28. P Reichel, E., Wagenbach, W. (1918). Versuche an Becherturbinen. Zeitschrift VDI 62(47): 822- 829; 62(49): 870-876.Wagenbach, W. (1905). Neuere Turbinenanlagen. Springer: Berlin.Wagenbach, W. (1907). Beiträge zur Berechnung und Konstruktion der Wasserturbinen. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Turbinenwesen 4(18): 273-277.Wagenbach, W. (1910). Der dreieckige Überfall. Zeitschrift Turbinenwesen 7(36): 561-563. Wagenbach, W. (1932). Logarithmische Massstäbe im Kreiselmaschinenbau. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 27(23): 265-269; 27(24): 277-281.Wagenbach, W., Krause, A. (1932). Verbesserung des Schirm-Wassermessverfahrens. Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens 3(6): 271-276.Wagenbach, W. (1936). Versuchsanstalt für hydraulische Kraftund Arbeitsmaschinen. Die Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 1836-1936: 100-103. Roether: Darmstadt.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.