5.5.1900 Landau/D - 9.1.1970 Leinsweiler/D
Fritz Weinig studied at the Karlsruhe Technical University from 1920 and one year later moved to Danzig Technical University, where he graduated as a naval engineer in 1925. He submitted a PhD thesis to the Technical University of Berlin TUB in 1930 on flow across a turbine propeller and there was a Lecturer from 1933 in the institute of Hermann Föttinger (1877-1945). In 1935 Weinig moved on to the Aeronautical Research Station DVL in Berlin-Adlershof where he was involved in the design of novel wings and turbomachinery. He was in parallel from 1936 an associate professor in aerodynamics at TUB. In 1940 being appointed professor at the Stuttgart Technical University he moved in 1945 to the USA as an aerodynamicist of Air Material Command, Wright Field. In 1951, Weinig was a collaborator of General Electric Co., Cincinnati OH and returned to Germany in 1958 as a private consultant.
Weinig has had three periods in his professional career, first at TU Berlin, then at DVL and in Stuttgart, and finally in the USA. During his first years, he added considerably to general hydraulics, such as with a paper in collaboration with Albert Shields (1908-1974) known for the introduction of a diagram describing the entrainment of sediment transport in river engineering. Weinig was also associated during this period with Paul Felix Nemenyi (1895-1952) and added to the latter's 1933 textbook. The second period of Weinig's career was devoted to aerodynamics of which evidence a number of papers in the year books of the German aeronautical research and in the journal Luftfahrt-Forschung. Once in the USA, Weinig took interest in the hydrodynamics of pumps and turbomachinery; he published the results mainly in the Transactions ASME.
Kochanowsky, W., Vogelpohl, G. (1965). Friedrich Weinig. Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften
13(5): 177-178. P
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Weinig, Fritz. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 2836-
2837; 7a: 906-907; 8: 2354. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.
Weinig, F. (1931). Graphische Berechnung der Strömungsverhältnisse in einem Turbinenrad. Zeitschrift VDI 75(11): 331-332.
Weinig, F. (1936). Verwendung der Ergebnisse von Tragflügelmodellmessungen. Zeitschrift VDI 80(11): 299-300.
Weinig, F. (1940). Aerodynamik der Luftschraube. Springer: Berlin.
Weinig, F. (1956). Subsonic influence of compressibility on the pressure distribution of a profile. Journal Aeronautical Sciences 23(3): 279-281; 23(7): 705.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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