- HUNGARY (see also List of Individuals)\10.4.1883 Budapest/H - 14.6.1976 Budapest/H\Hugó Lampl graduated in civil engineering from the Budapest University of technology in 1905 and then became an employee of the Csepel Island Water Board for flood protection until 1912. He was then participating for two years in the construction of the Kvassay Dam, publishing thereby his observations jointly with Elemér Sajó (1875-1934) in an awarded monograph. After retirement in 1955, Lampl continued his activities as an expert and consultant for hydropower installations. The Hungarian Hydrological Society awarded him in 1973 its highest acknowledgement, the Vásárhelyi Prize.\During his entire career, Lampl's interest included apron cut-off, soil consolidation and dewatering of working pits. He was therefore mainly concerned with questions in foundation engineering. Under his full or partial leadership, a number of important hydrotechnical facilities were constructed. These include the canalization of the Soroksár Danube Branch from 1919 to 1920, the Tass Dam on the same branch in 1926, various harbours of Lake Balaton, the Békésszentandás Dam from 1936 to 1942, the Tiszafüred Irrigation System around 1940, the Hódmezövásárhely Irrigation System in 1947, the works of the Danube-Tisza Canal until 1947, and the Tiszalök Dam. His books include titles such as Concrete, Iron bulkheads and several monographs in hydraulic engineering.\Anonymous (1981). Lampl Hugó. Magyar eletrajzi lexikon 3: 459-461. Akadémiai Kiadó: Budapest. PAnonymous (2000). Lampl Hugó. Magyar Nagylexikon 11: 765. Akadémiai Kiadó: Budapest. Dégen, I. (1976). Hugó Lampl. Vízügyi Közlemények (4): 502-506.Károlyi, Z. (1973). Greeting Hugó Lampl on his 90th birthday. Vízgazdálkodás (2): 48-51 (in Hungarian).Lampl, H. (1938). Időszerő vízépítési közmunkák a munkanélküliség okszeró leküzdésének szolgálatában. Egyetemi: Budapest.Lampl, H., Pataky, B. (1938). Balatoni kikötő k. Egyetemi: Budapest, also published in Vízügyi Közlemények 19(3/4): 287-327.Lampl, H. (1953). Vízi építkezések organizációs feladatai. Mérnöki Továbbképzó Intézet: Budapest.Lampl, H. (1954). Munkagödrök víztelenítése talajvízszintsüllyesztéssel. Közl. Kiadó: Budapest.Lampl, H., Illei, V. (1958). Vízzáró függöny eló állítása fúrási eljárással. Egyetemi: Budapest.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.