19.11.1891 Pécs/H - 3.6.1976 Budapest/H
Endre Németh graduated in civil engineering in 1913 from the Budapest University of Technology. Between 1918 and 1922, he designed plant facilities and railways for the Rimamurány-Salgótarján Iron Works, and carried out geodetic activities for mine assessment. He joined the State Water Service in 1923 to be active for the National Inspectorate of Fisheries within the Ministry of Agriculture. From 1932 to 1935, Németh worked for the Budapest Bureau of Civil Engineering, dealing with problems in irrigation of the Great Hungarian Plain. He advanced irrigation systems and the practice of irrigation as applied then in Italy and in France. The Department for Technical Water Management of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture implemented various of these systems under his direction. From 1937 to 1940, he headed the Department for Water Use within the National Bureau for Irrigation. During this period, the implementation of the Tiszafüred Irrigation System was completed.
In 1940, Németh was appointed professor of hydraulic structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Budapest University of Technology, where he remained until being retired in 1962. For a certain time, Németh was the Editor of the national technical journals Vízügyi Közlemények (Hydraulic engineering) and Öntözésügí Közlemények (Irrigation). From 1946 to 1948, and later from 1950 to 1952, he acted as Dean of his Faculty. Németh was awarded the Fermat Medal from Académie of Toulouse, France in 1959, the Medal of the French Association for Investigation Developments in 1969, and in 1974 the Vásárhelyi Prize and in 1975 the Eötvös Prize from the Hungarian Hydrological Society. His main works are contributions to the encyclopedia of water engineering and various books in hydraulics and hydrology.
Anonymous (1981). Németh, Endre. Magyar életrajzi lexikon 3: 561-562. Akadémiai Kiadó: Budapest (in Hungarian). P
Bogárdi, J. (1976). Németh Endre. Vizügyi Közlemények 58(4): 499-501 (in Hungarian). P
Németh, E. (1956). L'importance de la loi de filtration de Darcy à la lumière des résultats de quelques essais sur modèles réduits. Symposia Darcy Dijon 2: 116-127.
Németh, E. (1963). Hidromechanika. Tankönyvkiadó: Budapest.
Németh, E. (1963). Hydrologie et hydrométrie. Bureau Recherches en Géologie Minières: Paris.
Németh, E. (1967). Recherches hydrologiques en Hongrie 1963-1966. Akad. Kiadó: Budapest. Németh, E. (1970). Nagyfeszültségű technika. Tankönyvkiadó: Budapest.
Németh, E. (1981). Gyártástechnológia. Könnyüipari Müszaki Föiskola: Budapest.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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