- ITALY (see also List of Individuals)\26.11.1902 Napoli/I - 19.1.1975 Napoli/I\Gastone Avolio De Martino graduated as a civil engineer from the Università di Napoli and there submitted his PhD thesis in the 1930s. He was appointed professor of hydraulic structures in 1952 and in 1958 also became a professor of agricultural hydraulics of Bari University. In 1961, Avolio De Martino took over as Director the Institute of Water Supply and Wastewater in Naples. He had all through his career a close contact to the practicing engineering and therefore was both a hydraulic researcher and a hydraulic engineer.\Avolio De Martino started his professorship as an agricultural engineer and eventually became interested in sanitary engineering, once his predecessor Girolamo Ippolito (1891-1975) had retired. In the 1950s, Avolio De Martino contributed to the design and the construction of irrigation schemes in Southern Italy, where water is vital for these purposes. Despite the mountainous landscape, there are several large plains in the Campania Province, which have contributed to the reputation of agricultural products actually known all over Europe. From the early 1960s, Avolio De Martino supported the urgent calls for a better sanitation of Southern Italy, mainly "his city" Naples with almost 2 millions of inhabitants. As with other cities of Italy, there was lots of technical support but the final results were often diluted by political decisions. Even today, important cities of this country have no modern wastewater plants and problems were so far small mainly because of the long Italian coastline in which a natural wastewater dilution is still active. However, the Gulf of Naples as an important portion of the city and the region needs urgent rehabilitation, based on projects such as those presented by Avolio De Martino decades ago.\Anonymous (1961). Avolio De Martino, Gastone. Chi è 7: 44-45. Dizionario biografico degli italiani d'oggi. Scarano: Roma.Avolio De Martino, G. (1949). Di un tipo di opera di presa da torrenti. L'Energia Elettrica26(1): 1-13.Avolio De Martino, G. (1956). Su alcuni tipi di partitori idraulici. L'Energia Elettrica 33(2): 149-165.Avolio De Martino, G. (1964). Impianti di epurazione dei liquami. Laterza: Bari.Avolio De Martino G(iorgio). (2006). Gastone Avolio de Martino. Personal communication. P Mendia, L. (1975). Prof. Ing. Gastone Avolio De Martino. L'Ingegneria Sanitaria 23: 1-2. P Russo, G. (1967). Gastone Avolio De Martino. La scuola d'ingegneria in Napoli 1811-1967: 320-321. Università: Napoli. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.