17.5.1833 Torino/ I - 24.5.1898 Roma/ I
After having graduated as a marine engineer, Benedetto Brin completed his studies in France and in England. He entered the Italian Corps of marine engineers in 1861 and there reached the highest position as inspector in 1880. His political career started in 1873 and he was elected marine minister over various terms starting in 1876 and extending until his death. He worked particularly in the term from 1884 to 1891 for the renovation of the Italian marine, namely by founding the Marine Academy in Livorgno where the two former institutions of Genova and Naples were merged. Following the English example, a laboratory for naval purposes much as the Froude laboratory in Torquay was erected in La Spezia.
The first Italian ship based on modern design characteristics was the cruiser Duilio launched in 1873. Its performance in terms of velocity, safety on sea and armament was an example for future designs. This boat was a design for which the English were interested, because they wanted to copy what the Italians had presented. In 1876 followed a first design in steel, which attracted again international interest in advanced ship design. In the 1880s Brin was the general director of naval constructions and thus at the forefront of all developments relating mainly to warships. Brin also launched the ship type King Umberto which had special provisions against underwater attacks. Brin integrated successfully provisions to fire torpedo from his warships. His 1881 book gives a detailed review of activities towards the modernization of the Italian navy.
Acton, F. (1888). La flotta italiana alle grandi manovre: Relazione ufficiale a s. E. Il Ministro della Marina comm. Benedetto Brin loro vite ed I loro ritratti. Perino: Roma.
Alberini, R. (1933). Benedetto Brin nel centenario della nascita. Rivista di Cultura Marinara: 663-675.
Anonymous (1924). In onore di Benedetto Brin. Rivista Marittima 45: 600-606. P
Barrili, A.G. (1898). Commemorazione di Benedetto Brin. Martini: Genova. Brin, B. (1871). Sull'effetto utile dei propusori idraulici. Cotta: Firenze. Brin, B. (1881). La nostra marina militare. Bocca: Roma.
Brin, B. (1886). Relazione a S.M. nell'udienza del 18 luglio 1885 del Ministro della Marina sul decreto che istituisce il Consiglio Superiore della marina mercantile. Gazzetta Uffiziale: Roma.
Capone, A. (1972). Brin, Benedetto. Dizionario biografico degli italiani 14: 311-317. Roma. Guida, A. (1975). Brin, Benedetto. Scienziati e tecnologi 1: 222-223. Mondadori: Milano. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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