26.4.1913 Milano/I - 6.1.2006 Milano/I
Duilio Citrini graduated from Politecnico di Milano as a civil engineer and there also gained the PhD title in 1936. He was appointed in 1949 professor of hydraulics at Cagliari University to return to Milan in this position in 1959. He was then the principal collaborator of Giulio De Marchi (1890-1972).
Citrini was one of the prime Italian hydraulicians in the 1940s and 1950s, on whom based the newly established reputation of the Milan hydraulics school. With De Marchi, he was at the forefront in research activities that made the Milan Institute of Hydraulic Engineering to the leading establishment. Citrini's 1939 paper on hydraulic jumps was a basic study in which the then current knowledge was reviewed, and new experimental data were furnished. The 1940 paper was an alternative approach to supercritical flows in chute curves, for which Arthur Ippen (1907-1974) had furnished a theoretical basis just two years earlier. The 1946 paper of Citrini investigated the diffusion of a turbulent jet in a zone of quiet, as was previously analyzed in a similar way in the Göttingen School of Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953). During his stay in Sardinia, Citrini turned more to questions of applied hydraulics: He investigated first unsteady flow phenomena on sideweirs, as a complimentary work of his mentor who had developed the classic theory of steady sideweir flow in 1934. In 1952, Citrini analyzed the flow pattern in porous conduits as used in groundwater technology. He derived the basic equations for the pressure head profile under spatially varied flow and presented solutions for inviscid flow conditions. Once back in Milan, Citrini mainly lectured and supervised PhD theses. He participated in several Congresses of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR.
Anonymous (1964). Duilio Citrini. Il centenario del Politecnico di Milano: 302. P
Citrini, D. (1939). Il salto di Bidone. L'Energia Elettrica 16(6): 441-465; 16(7): 517-527. Citrini, D. (1940). Sul movimento di una corrente veloce in un canale in curva. L'Energia Elettrica 17(9): 509-525.
Citrini, D. (1946). Diffusione di una vena fluida effluente in campo di fluido in quiete. L'Energia Elettrica 23(4): 133-144; 23(8): 302-315.
Citrini, D. (1949). Sull'attenuazione di un'onda positiva ad opera di uno stramazzo laterale. L'Energia Elettrica 26(10): 589-599.
Citrini, D. (1952). Correnti in pressione con portata variabile lungo il percorso. L'Energia Elettrica 29(5): 277-285.
Citrini, D., Noseda, G. (1975). Idraulica. Ambrosiana: Milano.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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