12.10.1931 Ampezzo/I - 13.5.2006 Padova/I
Raffaele Cola graduated as a civil engineer from Padova University in 1956 and gained his PhD title there in 1959 after a stay at Grenoble University. He continued at the hydraulics laboratory of Padova directed then by Francesco Marzolo (1892-1982) to conduct noteworthy research in hydraulics. From 1968, Cola was a Lecturer in hydraulics and he was promoted in 1973 to hydraulics professor, thereby succeeding Augusto Ghetti (1914-1992). In the 1970s, Cola also taught hydraulic structures at Trieste University and from 1980 to 1987 at the Engineering Faculty of Udine. He retired from Padua University in 2005.
Cola has worked in a number of water related topics. During the first decade, he was particularly interested in the outflow of pressurized pipe flow into the atmosphere. This basic hydraulic problem had received until then only poor interest, despite its relevance in the daily life. His results were published almost at the same time as those of Thomas Brooke Benjamin (1929-1995). The present author referred in his own studies on the pipe outflow features to the "Cola bubble" formed at the top of the pipe shortly upstream from the outlet section. Cola later widened his scientific interests and investigated questions in soil protection, in the management of aqueducts and problems in water supply. He served also as a consultant in hydropower projects, mainly in China, in Columbia, Peru and Mexico. In addition he was active in his country as an expert in water resources questions in the Trento and Bolzano regions of Northern Italy.
Anonymous (1980). Raffaele Cola. 17 Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche Palermo 2: 184. P
Armanini, A., Cola, R. (1976). Sulla diffusione dei getti liquidi immerse transportanti particelle solide in sospensione. Studi e Ricerche 307. Università: Padova.
Cola, M.T. (2006). Raffaele Cola. Personal communication. P
Cola, R. (1965). Il comportamento di alcuni misuratori di velocità del tipe "tubo di Pitot" in presenza del fenomeno di cavitazione. 9 Convegno di Idraulica Trieste 2(2): 187-202.
Cola, R. (1965). Onde di vuotamento di un ambiente a pressione. L'Energia Elettrica 42(3): 163-174.
Cola, R. (1966). Sul moto permanente in prossimità dello sbocco di una condotta a sezione circolare. L'Acqua 48(3): 3-12.
Trivellato, F., Cola, R. (1988). Il vortice a superficie libera a ad asse verticale in un campo di moto indefinito: La distribuzione delle velocità. Idrotecnica 15(6): 457-465.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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