5.3.1850 Induno Olona/I - 6.9.1910 Induno Olona/I
Gaetano Crugnola graduated as a civil engineer from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in 1873 and joined the Swiss and French railways, to return to Italy only in 1882 as a provincial engineer in Teramo. He there stayed for the following 28 years although he was called three times to university positions which he refused in favor of contact to the rural population and the country life. Crugnola was a Corresponding Member in the mathematical sciences of Reale Istituto Lombardo from 1902.
Most of Crugnola's scientific work originated from his stay in Teramo. Next to railways and road projects it involved hydraulics and hydraulic structures, fluvial navigation and also botany, archeology and history of arts. In the 1870's Crugnola mainly worked in foundation techniques and stability of structures. In the 1880's he presented a notable dictionary of engineering and architecture. In the 1890's he was fascinated by questions of hydraulic engineering and published his papers mainly in the then popular Italian journals L'Ingegneria Civile, Il Politecnico, Il Monitore Tecnico, and the Annali della Società Ingegneri e Architetti Italiana. He was for instance involved in a water supply project in Albania, where water was discharged from Lake Scutari in the Montenegro Region to the capital Tirana. Crugnola was also a member of the harbor commissions of Genova and Naples and added significantly to the modernization of their infrastructures. Further, he was in the technical commissions to improve River Tevere and to develop the irrigation system of the Puglia County in the Southeast of Italy, and thus was among the founders of today's Acquedotto Pugliese. Another typical paper discusses the works undertaken by Germany to prevent flood damages along their large rivers. Based on his knowledge of German, French and English, Crugnola also summarized works from these countries to make them accessible in his home country.
Crugnola, G. (1883). Sui muri di sostegna. Negro: Torino.
Crugnola, G. (1899). La conduttura d'acqua di Scutari e di Kadikoi. L'Ingegneria Civile e le Arti Industriali 25(15): 125-128.
Crugnola, G. (1899). Nuovi studi intrapresi in Germania per ricercare la causa delle inondazioni e i provvedimenti atti a scemarle. L'Ingegneria Civile e le Arti Industriali 25(12): 101-108.
Crugnola, G. (1901). Zur Dynamik des Flussbetts. Zeitschrift für Gewässerkunde 4(5): 268-304. D'Aquino, U. (1985). Crugnola, Gaetano. Dizionario biografico degli italiani 31: 269-271. Treccani: Roma. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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