11.4.1908 Trieste/I - 14.2.1997 Berlin/D
Romano Gregorig made studies in civil engineering at the University of Ljubljana and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH and submitted at the latter a PhD thesis on flow in curved pipes supervised by Robert Dubs (1880-1963). He moved then to Italy where Gregorig collaborated with Società Edison and mainly developed the Italian hydropower network. In 1947 he returned to Zurich to head the Escher-Wyss research group in thermal machinery and process engineering. Gregorig submitted a habilitation thesis to ETH in 1954 and there was a Lecturer until 1958. From 1958 to 1962 he stayed at the Minas Gerais University in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate. In 1963 Gregorig was appointed professor of power plant technology at the Technical University of Berlin.
Gregorig's career before the end of World War II was mainly related to hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. He was first interested in the head losses of water flow in industrial conduits, such as those applied in hydropower plants with their special roughness pattern. Then, he investigated the effect of a reservoir on the attenuation of a flood wave, due to the retention effect. His last work in Italy related to the economic criteria for designing surge tanks in hydraulic engineering. Once in Zurich, Gregorig turned attention mainly to machinery as used in power production. His habilitation thesis touched questions of condensation and other works were more directed to contracts. Gregorig is known for his 1973 book on heat exchangers resulting from both theoretical and practical work in this domain while staying in Berlin.
Anonymous (1968). Prof. Gregorig. Verfahrenstechnik 2(4): 89. P
Gassmann, P. (1973). Prof. Romano Gregorig zum 65. Geburtstag, Verfahrenstechnik 7(4): 91. P
Gregorig, R. (1936). Sulle perdite di carico nelle condotte forzate industriali metalliche. L'Energia Elettrica 13(7): 383-396.
Gregorig, R. (1940). Sulla laminazione dell'onda di piena per effetto dell'inserzione di un serbatoio in un corso d'acqua. L'Energia Elettrica 17(5): 271-279.
Gregorig, R. (1947). Considerazioni economiche sulla progettazione di un pozzo piezometrico. L'Energia Elettrica 23(2/3): 78-86.
Gregorig, R. (1973). Wärmeaustausch und Wärmeaustauscher: Konstruktionssystematik, Serienproduktion, Rohrschwingungen und Optimierung aufgrund von Energieverlusten. Sauerländer: Aarau.
Kraussold, H. (1968). Prof. Romano Gregorig. VDI Nachrichten 22(15): 27.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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