11.4.1794 La Brogne/F - 19.12.1878 Milano/I
Elia Lombardini graduated as an engineer from the University of Bologna in 1813 and first stayed in his home town. He was admitted in 1822 assistant engineer in the corps of public works and in 1829 was appointed engineer of Cremona. In 1839, he moved to Milan as chief engineer of Public Works and finally directed the Public Works of Lombardia County from 1848. He was from 1860 a Member of Accademia dei Lincei, a Senator of the Italian Kingdom, a Member of Istituto Lombardo from 1850 and of the Philadelphia Philosophical Society.
Lombardini's first notable works were carried out in Milano. His 1840 project improved River Po, the large river of Northern Italy running from the Savoy Alps to the Adriatic Sea. The most complete study of that time includes information on the geological conditions, the basic meteorological characteristics, the influence of the tributaries on the Po flow pattern and floods that have resulted and still result in large damages. The conclusions drawn by Lombardini were heavily discussed because he asked for an integral improvement of the hydraulic conditions. Yet, Lombardini stood not alone, because notable French hydraulicians such as Aristide Dumont (1819-1902), André Baumgarten (1808-1859) or Charles Minard (1781-1870) supported his energetic cry for improvement, both to increase the living standard of the population and to improve the agriculture of a basically rich county. Later in his career, Lombardini considered Lake Fucino in the Apennine region where large damages were caused due to poor hydraulic monitoring. The project involved a lake regulation and a canal that carried waters safer to the valley. Lombardini's most important legacy is considered the 1870 book, consisting of three volumes that were reprinted in the 20th century for its great impact not only in hydrology.
De Marchi, G. (1963). L'idraulica lombarda. Istituto di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Memorie 208. Politecnico: Milano. P
Lombardini, E. (1870). Guida allo studio dell'idrologia fluviale e dell'idraulica pratica. Milano. Lombardini, E. (1871). Esame degli studi idrologici fatti e da farsi sul Tevere e cenno dei provvi edimenti che richiederebbe la condizione delle sue adjacenze. Il Politecnico 19: 113-138. Lombardini, E. (1872). Osservazioni sul piano di bonificazione del bacino del Lago Fucino. Il Politecnico 20: 226-235; 20: 689-697.
Tatti, L. (1879). Elia Lombardini. Rendiconti del Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere Serie 2 12: 744-768.
Tatti, L. (1879). Commemorazione Elia Lombardini. Il Politecnico 27: 655-674. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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