- ITALY (see also List of Individuals)\29.5.1848 Milano/I - 10.7.1930 Barzanò/I\Ettore Paladini graduated as a civil engineer from the Politecnico di Milano in 1870 after participation in the 1860s Italian Liberation Wars. He then joined the staff of Francesco Brioschi (1824-1897) and eventually took interest in questions of hydraulics. He thereby participated in the Frankfurt Navigation Congress of 1884 and from 1901 to 1903 presided over the Milan Sewer Commission, collaborating with his colleague Gaudenzio Fantoli (1867-1940). Paladini was from 1900 the hydraulics professor of the Politecnico and also lectured on meteorology. He retired from this position in 1923. He was from 1910 a Member of the Istituto Reale Lombardo.\Paladini was active in public works as a general engineer. His first projects related to irrigation in Northern Italy, where the Po Plain was a rich site for agricultural purposes. In parallel, the Po River inundated this county regularly and caused great social and economical problems. Both flood mitigation and irrigation were aspects considered from ancient times, until these days. The 1883 paper introduces the Italian potential in hydropower production. Despite the large works were only started under the Mussolini regime in the 1920s, Paladini made notable hydraulic computations. As many of his colleagues all over Europe, Paladini was also a frequent participant of the Navigation Congresses held bi-annually from 1884. Another of his works added to the Villoresi Canal in the Piedmont and the Lombardy provinces allowing for both internal navigation and land irrigation. His final works were directed toward water supply of several Italian cities and a general account on water supply techniques.\Bay, F. (1932). Ettore Paladini. Atti Sindacato Provinciale Fascista Ingegneri, Milano 8(7): 276-281; 9(4): 113-119. PMarchetti, M. (1964). Istituto di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Il Centenario del Politecnico di Milano 1863-1963: 353-362. Tamburini: Milano. PMenozzi, A. (1930). Parole in commemorazione di Ettore Paladini. Rendiconti Istituto Reale Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere 63(11): 1004-1005.Paladini, E. (1880). Lo studio sull'impianto elevatorio di Cigliano e nell'irrigazione in Piemonte. Milano.Paladini, E. (1883). L'idrotecnica e le questioni relative in Italia. Milano. Paladini, E. (1898). Sulle infiltrazioni del Canale Villoresi. Milano.Paladini, E. (1899). Sugli acquedotti di Trieste, di Siena, di Firenze, di Modena. Milano. Paladini, E. (1906). Appunti presi alle lezioni di condotta delle acque. Premiato Stab. Pavia.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.