- ITALY (see also List of Individuals)\8.11.1919 Ferrara/I - 9.7.2005 Bologna/I\Bruno Poggi graduated as a civil engineer from the University of Bologna and there was appointed assistant professor in 1945. He was awarded in 1958 a professorship of hydraulics and there stayed for his entire professional career. He was then an emeritus professor and was awarded the Gold Medal of Science and Culture from the Italian Ministry of Public Education. He was also a Member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences.\Poggi's research works were directed to various fields in hydraulic engineering, including an early account on nappe flow in stepped spillways, the equilibrium velocity of vertically rising bubbles, the stability of surge tanks in hydropower installations, and unsteady flows in pipeline systems. He also presented an excellent work on supercritical open channel flow in curves, with the formation of shock waves as originally investigated by Arthur Ippen (1907-1974). The maximum flow depth along the outer channel wall was predicted and compared to observations. Poggi further contributed to the understanding of density currents in open channels and from the 1970s developed into an expert of environmental hydraulics. His 1989 paper reviews the additions made by Italians to the understanding of water hammer phenomena in hydraulic engineering. He was regularly present at the Italian National Hydraulic Conferences Convegno di Idraulica and there served in its research sections.\Poggi, B. (1949). Sopra gli scaricatori a scala di stramazzi. L'Energia Elettrica 26(10): 600- 604.Poggi, B. (1951). Sulle velocità di equilibrio di corpi immersi in correnti ascendenti verticali. L'Energia Elettrica 28(2): 87-92.Poggi, B. (1952). Sopra i criteri di stabilità per le piccole oscillazioni con applicazione alla regolazione degli impianti idroelettrici. L'Energia Elettrica 29(5): 286-297.Poggi. B. (1956). Correnti veloci nei canali in curva. L'Energia Elettrica 33(7): 465-480. Poggi, B. (1959). Correnti stratificate - Onde di translazione in alvei prismatrici. L'Energia Elettrica 36(3): 197-208; 36(8): 685-691.Poggi, B. (1984). Le scienze idrauliche nella difesa dell'ambiente. Atti Accademia delle ScienzeIstituto di Bologna Serie 14 1: 9-23.Poggi, B. (1989). The Italian contribution to research on pressure conduit water hammer. Excerpta 4: 67-75.Poggi, B. (2002). Bruno Poggi. Personal communication. PPoggi, S. (2008). Bruno Poggi. Personal communication.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.