7.8.1834 Amsterdam/NL - 11.2.1883 Amsterdam
After training as a naval constructor at the Military Academy in Breda, Bruno Joannes Tideman entered the full time service of his country in 1857. During the following twentyfive years he superintended new building contracts with England, advised on the setting up of both merchant shipyards and naval dockyards, taught at the naval architecture school in Delft and introduced to Holland experimental tank testing techniques. His greatest contribution towards the modernization of the Dutch shipyards was the production of almost any ship from 1870 onwards.
Tideman's first task was the oversight of the armored coast defense battleship Prins Hendrik then built in the UK. During his two years' stay in England, he was influenced by William J.M. Rankine (1820-1872). On behalf of the Dutch Government, Tideman acted as overseer for the first two Dutch cross channel ships. The Prinses Marie was selected for analysis by Tideman at the new open water test tank set up by himself in Amsterdam. This was at the time the only other test site besides that of William Froude (1810-1879) at Torquay. The Amsterdam basin was commissioned for many tasks by the Russian Navy and the shipbuilders of the River Clyde until the Denny Tank in Dumbarton opened in 1883. The Russian Imperial Yacht Livadia launched in 1883 was of particular note for its turbot shape. Tideman's greatest contribution to his country was the impetus in shipbuilding which enabled from 1870 to design and build any kind of iron ship and engine with steam reciprocating machinery. Tideman was ahead of the time in that he regarded naval architects, shipbuilders and marine engineers as fellow professionals. On the occasion of the 300 years' commemoration of Leiden University, he was decorated with the honorary doctorate.
Anonymous (1996). Tideman. Biographical dictionary of the history of technology: 705, L. Day, I. McNeil, eds. Routledge: London.
Dirkzwager, J.M. (1970). Benno Joannes Tideman. Dissertation University: Amsterdam. Ramaer, X. (1921). Tideman. Nieuw nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek 5: 928-930. Tideman, B.J. (1859). Verhandeling over de scheepsbouwkunde als wetenschap. Amsterdam. Tideman, B.J. (1874). Over wederstand en voortstuwing van schiepen. Amsterdam.
Tideman, B.J., ed. (1876). Memoriaal van de Marine bevattende opgaven betrekkelijk afmetingen, constructie, werktuigen, toerusting en uitrusting vooral. van Heteren: Amsterdam.
Tideman, B.J. (1882). De scheepsbouw in Nederland. van Heteren: Amsterdam. http://www.google.ch/search?hl=de&q=lagrene%2Bchanoine&meta http://www.google.ch/search?hl=de&q=lagrene+chanoine&meta= P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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