22.10.1898 Forsand/N - 1.12.1990 Trondheim/N
Inge Martin Lyse was educated as a civil engineer at the Norway Technical University in Trondheim. In 1923, he moved to the United States as a construction engineer. He was from 1927 to 1931 associated with the Experimental Arch Dam Office in California and then was a professor of hydraulic engineering at the Lehigh University in Bethlehem PA. After having submitted his PhD thesis to his Alma Mater in 1937, Lyse was from 1938 a professor of hydraulic engineering at the Trondheim Technical University until retirement in 1966. Lyse particularly contributed to the knowledge of concrete technology in dam engineering, where the effects of heat production and water content of concrete were explored in the 1930s while the first large dams were erected. He was the recipient of the Louis E. Levy Medal from the Franklin Institution. Lyse was a Member of the Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences, He was awarded the James R. Croes Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE.
Lyse was essentially a structural engineer and worked mainly in the field of large structures in concrete. His first work in hydroelectric projects in California was followed by a period during which he was the principal assistant on the Stevenson Creek experimental arch dam. From 1931 he was in charge of the Fritz Engineering Laboratory and conducted graduate instruction in the Civil Engineering Department. He applied his knowledge to dams and developed the modern concrete technology with his arch dams built in the 1930s during his stay in the USA. Lyse was the president of the Norwegian Academy of Technology from 1955 to 1958 and contributed several books in concrete technology to the civil engineering community.
Anonymous (1938). Prof. Lyse to leave for Norway position. Engineering News-Record 121: 193. Anonymous (1955). Inge Lyse. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris 1: 160. P
Anonymous (1973). Lyse, Inge Martin. Aschehougs Konversations-Leksikon 12: 833. Oslo. Knudsen, K.-E., Lenschow, R., Hofsøy, A. (1978). Concrete structures: Papers presented at the Trondheim Symposium for the 80 birthday of Prof. Inge Lyse. Tapir: Trondheim. P
Lyse, I. (1933). Simplifying design and control of concrete. Bethlehem PA.
Lyse, I. (1936). A study on the quality, the design and the economy of concrete. Lancaster. Lyse, I. (1951). Betong I sjøvann. Teknisk Ukeblad 98(16): 291-299.
MacGregor, J.G., Lyse, I.M., eds. (1978). Structural design of tall concrete and masonry buildings.
ASCE: New York.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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