26.10.1905 Noski/PL - 1.2.1985 Warszawa/PL
Walenty Jarocki graduated as a civil engineer from the Warsaw Polytechnic in the 1930s. Later, after World War II, he headed the potamologic section of the Polish Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology. He stayed in the 1950s at the hydraulic laboratory of Gdańsk University, where he was from 1955 to 1958 an assistant professor at the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 1959 to 1976, the year of his retirement, he was associated with the Warsaw Concrete Institute and there headed the hydraulics department. As a Member of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR Jarocki was a participant of the IAHR Congresses in Stockholm, Lisbon, Montreal, Dubrovnik and in London.
Jarocki contributed mainly to hydraulic and to river engineering. His papers deal with experimental observations related to particular river structures or towards the protection of river banks by the flowing water. These observations were directed to Polish rivers such as the Vistula River running close to Gdańsk into the Baltic Sea. Other works were related to reservoir sedimentation, to tests of sediment transport equations by site observations, to the relation between bed and suspended sediment loads in rivers, and to two-phase air-water flows in conduits and means to remove the air phase to improve the hydraulic capacity.
Anonymous (1948). Participants of IAHR Congress. 2 IAHR Congress Stockholm: 11. P Anonymous (1959). Participants of IAHR Congress. 8 IAHR Congress Montreal: Frontispiece. P Cebertowicz, R., Jarocki, W. (1959). Protection des ouvrages hydrotechniques contre la souspression engendrée par l'écoulement de l'eau. 8 IAHR Congress Montreal 9(D): 1-9.
Jarocki, W. (1948). Alluvionnements dans les retenues d'eau. 2 IAHR Congress Stockholm (26): 445-453.
Jarocki, W. (1957). Water flow through drowned conduits. 7 IAHR Congress Lisbon D(29): 1-8. Jarocki, W. (1961). Effect of piers on water streams and bed form. 9 IAHR Congress Dubrovnik: 1147-1149.
Jarocki, W. (1963). A study of sediment. National Science Foundation: Warszawa.
Jarocki, W. (1967). Relation between bed and suspended loads in rivers. Archiwum Hydrotechniki 14(4): 535-579.
Komorowska, G. (2004). Walenty Jarocki. Personal communication. Library of Technical University: Warszawa.
Redowicz, W. (2007). Walenty Jarocki. Personal communication.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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