- ROMANIA (see also List of Individuals)\23.8.1926 Bucureşti/RO - 15.12.1992 Delft/NL\After graduation as hydraulic engineer at Leningrad University, Ernest Răzvan joined the Bucharest Institute of Hydrotechnical Research. In the mid 1960s, Răzvan was promoted there to Head of Department. In 1975, he immigrated to Israel to join Tahal, a major water works planning and design company. He thus became a noted expert in dam hydraulics and was sent abroad to supervise Tahal projects, such as in Brazil, where he lectured also at the University of Sao Paolo. Răzvan spent his last years at the Delft Institute of Hydraulics. From the 1960s to 1975 Ră zvan was the Editor of the journal Institutul de Studii şi cercetări Hidrotehnice.\Răzvan contributed all through his career to applied hydraulics. His approach was mainly experimental. He set out his research direction in the 1959 book and from then concentrated to turbulence effects of hydraulic jumps, which were at about the same time also explored in the United States, and in the Soviet Union. These results were presented in IAHR Congresses, namely 1961 in Dubrovnik, 1967 in Fort Collins and 1971 in Paris. From the 1970s, Răzvan turned more to questions of fluvial hydraulics and considered sediment entrainment and the effects of a dam on the upstream rivers. These issues were important for his country, that advanced its hydrotechnical program considerably. Răzvan also was active in the World Water Congresses. His 1989 book formed an integral approach to questions of hydraulics and the environment.\Anonymous (1975). Ernest H. Razvan. Water for human needs 5: 500, C.V.J. Varma, ed. 2nd World Congress on Water Resources: New Dehli. PDagan, G. (2008). Dr. Ernest Razvan. Personal communication. PRazvan, E. (1959). Probleme de hidraulica experimentala. Institutul de Studii si Cercetari Hidrotehnice: Bucureşti.Razvan, E. (1961). L'étude de l'écoulement macroturbulent en aval des évacuateurs de crues. 9 IAHR Congress Dubrovnik: 13-23.Razvan, E. (1967). Résultats de l'étude de l'écoulement macro-turbulent. 12 IAHR CongressFort Collins 2(B4): 1-10.Razvan, E. (1971). L'influence de la haute turbulence sur l'entraînement des alluvions. 14 IAHR Congress Paris 3: 1-7.Razvan, E., Vojinovic, M. (1971). Déformations locales des lits alluvionnaires pendant la construction des barrages fluviaux. 14 IAHR Congress Paris 3: 1-10.Razvan, E. (1989). River intakes and diversion dams. Elsevier: Amsterdam.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.