- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\23.2.1901 Moscow/RU - 30.1.1982 Moscow/RU\Nikolai Nikolaevich Abramov graduated as a civil engineer from the Engineering and Construction Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical Institute. From 1927 he was involved in the planning and construction of water systems for the largest enterprises and cities of the USSR. He began teaching at higher educational institutes in 1933. In 1942 Abramov was appointed professor of water supply at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. He was awarded the Order of Lenin and two additional orders, among several other decorations.\Abramov was an expert in water supply. He contributed significantly to the definition of the scientific basics for designing large industrial and urban water supply systems. In his laboratory, the main hydraulic questions relating to water supply, such as the effects of roughness on pipe flow, effects of unsteady flow such as water hammer, among others, were thoroughly investigated. He also analyzed optimum means for water supply and he worked out methods of their hydraulic, technical and economic design. His research was considered also essential for the public health standards and the development of the Soviet industry. Abramov was a Member of the International Association of Water Supply. From the 1950s he also had close contacts to experts of the former German Democratic Republic. His 1955 book on the Computation of water supply schemes including pipeline hydraulics and the particular features encountered in these infrastructural schemes was translated in German and had a significant impact mainly in Eastern Europe.\Abramov, N.N. (1952). Issledovanya po gidravlike truboprovodov. Gos. Stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture: Moskva.Abramov, N.N. (1955). Die Berechnung von Wasserleitungsnetzen. Marhold: Halle. Abramov, N.N. (1978). Voprosy nadezhnosti system vodosnabzhenya. MISI: Moskva. Abramov, N.N. (1982). Vodosnabzhenie. Stroiizdat: Moskva.Abramov, N.N. (1983). Rascet vodoprovodnych setei. Stroiizdat: Moskva.Anonymous (1973). Abramov, N.N. Great Soviet encyclopedia 1: 29. MacMillan: New York. Anonymous (1984). Abramov, Nikolai Nikolaevich. Who's who in the Soviet Union: 5. Saur: München.Baranovskaya, J. (2007). Nikolai Nikolaevich Abramov. Personal communication. PEngemann, X. (1971). Prof. Nikolai Nikolaevich Abramov 70 Jahre. Wasserwirtschaft-Wassertechnik 21(3): III-IV. PMishueva, A.V., Abramov, N.N. (1980). Voprozsy gidravliki i vodosnabzhenya. MISI: Moskva.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.