- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\19.8.1889 Vladikavkaz/RU - 22.1.1973 Moscow/RU\Boris Kapitonovich Aleksandrov was born in today's Ordzonikidze. He graduated in 1917 from the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic School. From 1925 he was a manager of the Department of Hydro-electric Plants of the Soviet VSNKh Glavénergo. Subsequently, he took a prominent position in the solution of Soviet hydropower problems. Wherever he worked, either at VSNKh, on the Moscow Canal, at Volgostroi or at Great Volga Board, he succeeded in presenting the most advanced and economical designs. His profound and comprehensive technical knowledge in the field of hydropower engineering enabled him to become the leading expert in different aspects for the utilization of the national economy plan. He applied this knowledge to the large hydropower schemes in the Soviet Union, namely on the Volga, the Kama, the Ob and the Amur Rivers.\During more than thirty years Aleksandrov developed hydraulic structures of high standards in utilization and of low specific cost. He forwarded the idea in combining several of its functions in a single unit. In the early 1940s he for instance proposed an alternative for a powerhouse combined with the spillway, as was previously also successfully launched in France. On his recommendation, a multistage, six-chamber navigation lock with electric traction for timber rafting was also developed and integrated on the Kama River as the first of its type in the Soviet Union. Over years, Aleksandrov was a Member of the Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Power and Electrification. His teaching activities started in 1918 at the Construction Technical College, Moscow, then at the Moscow Institute of Transportation Engineers; from 1946 Aleksandrov was a professor of hydraulic structures at the Moscow Power Institute. In 1953 he was appointed a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and he received in 1962 the title of Honorary Doctor of Technical Sciences.\Aleksandrov, B.K. (1955). Kama hydroelectric power station. Institute of Energetics: Moscow. Anonymous (1973). Boris Kapitonovich Aleksandrov. Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo 7(3): 263-264. PJelahovsky, S. (1975). Aleksandrov, Boris Kapitonovich. Scienziati e tecnologi 1: 18-19.Mondadori: Milano. PTurkevich, J., ed. (1963). Aleksandrov, B.K. Soviet men of science: 5. van Nostrand: New York. aleksandrov&hl=de&gl=ch&ct=clnk&cd=1
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.