11.6.1914 Narva/EE - 16.8.1994 New York/USA
Walter (Valter) Rand was born in Estonia. After having served as a soldier, he initiated studies at Reval Technical University in 1936, from where he graduated as a civil engineer in 1941. In 1942 Rand was given a fund for a research stay at the Karlsruhe Technical University, from where graduated with the Dr.-Ing. title in 1943. After World War II, Rand moved to the United States, where he was finally a professor of hydraulic engineering at the City College of the City University of New York.
Rand is known for various works in hydraulic engineering relating mainly to energy dissipators. During his PhD thesis he investigated drop structures as an alternative to conventional hydraulic jump stilling basins. His results were generalized in the 1955 paper, a time when being an associate professor at the New York City College. In 1965, Rand presented a paper towards the understanding of the various flow types in stilling basins associated with the presence of a sill. He presented detailed observations that describe the effects of sill front location relative to the toe of the hydraulic jump, the effect of the relative sill height and the Froude number in the approach flow channel. These observations were then compared one year later with the flow features across so-called dentated sills, as originally introduced by Theodor Rehbock (1864-1950), the founder of the Karlsruhe Flussbau-Laboratorium, where Rand had submitted his thesis.
Anonymous (1952). Frontispiece of 5 Hydraulics Conference. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research: Iowa. P
Liiv, U. (2007). Walter Rand. Personal communication. P
Nippert, K. (2004). Walter Rand. Technische Universität: Karlsruhe.
Rand, W. (1943). Die Sturzbettausbildung bei lotrechten Abstürzen und bei Anwendung einer rechteckigen Endschwelle. Dissertation TU: Karlsruhe.
Rand, W. (1955). Flow geometry at straight drop spillways. Proc. ASCE 81(HY5, Paper 791): 1-13; 82(HY1, Paper 881): 57-62; 82(HY3, Paper 1010): 7.
Rand, W. (1957). An approach to generalized design of stilling basins. Trans. New York Academy of Sciences 20(2): 173-191.
Rand, W. (1965). Flow over a vertical sill in an open channel. Journal of the Hydraulics Division
ASCE 91(HY4): 97-121.
Rand, W. (1966). Flow over a dentated sill in an open channel. Journal of the Hydraulics Division ASCE 92(HY5): 135-153; 93(HY3): 229-230; 94(HY1): 307-308.
Rand, W. (1985). Letter to Willi H. Hager and Nicola V. Bretz.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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