30.11.1901 Novocherkassk, Don District/RU - 28.9.2003 Rockland NY/USA
Nicholas Vasilievich Feodoroff graduated as a civil engineer from Svobodinya University in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1929. He was from 1934 to 1936 a research associate of the hydraulic laboratory at Columbia University then directed by Boris A. Bakhmetev (1880-1951). He moved then for two years to the water supply office of Honolulu in Hawaii and collaborated with a private engineering office until 1944. From 1945 he was a member of the Hydromath Company in New York and was in parallel in charge of the hydraulics education at Columbia University, New York. He was in addition an adjunct professor of fluid mechanics at the College of Engineering of the New York University, and from 1955 to 1960 a visiting associate at the Manhattan College. He acted in the 1950s also as a chairman of the section mathematics and engineering at the Academy of Sciences. Feodoroff was an Honorary Fellow of the Sequoia University in Pasadena CA, among other decorations.
Feodoroff is known for a number of outstanding papers presented in journals of the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE. A first work was written in collaboration with Bakhmetev as a discussion to a classic paper on drop structures, which was awarded the J.C. Stevens Award in 1945. Others include a discussion of flow through granular media, and control of air pollution, as presented in the International Congresses of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics IUTAM, and works presented in congresses of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR. Feodoroff was a Member of the following professional organizations: ASCE, IAHR, AGU, SAME and NSPE. He was decorated by the National Academy of Sciences of the French Republic in 1949, he was further a Commander of the Order of Merit of the French Government from 1956.
Anonymous (1945). Nicholas V. Feodoroff. Civil Engineering 15(1): 44. P
Anonymous (1964). Nicholas Vasilievich Feodoroff. Who's who in engineering 9: 567. Bakhmetev, B.A., Feodoroff, N.V. (1943). Discussion to Energy loss at the base of a free overfall, by W.L. Moore. Trans. ASCE 108: 1364-1373.
Bakhmetev, B.A., Feodoroff, N.V. (1955). The flow through slits. Proc. 4 Midwestern Conference on Fluid Mechanics Purdue University: 195-210.
Feodoroff, N.V. (1938). Flow through granular media. 5 IUTAM Congress Cambridge: 555-560. Feodoroff, N.V. (1956). Some aspects in the control of air pollution in industrial areas. 9 IUTAM Congress Brussels.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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