12.3.1905 Vienna/A - 7.4.1961 Nalchik/RU
Feliks Isidorovich Frankl graduated from Vienna Technical University. In 1929 he emigrated from Austria to the USSR because he had taken part in the international working class of the solidarity movement. From 1931 to 1944 he was a scientist at TsAGI in Moscow and there then continued at the Artillery Academy. He gained during these years also doctorates in mathematics and physics, and in the technical sciences. He moved in 1951 to the Kirgiz Republic; from there he continued in 1957 to Kabarda-Balkar Republic and finally passed away in its capital located in South Eastern Europe on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.
Frankl was an expert in gas dynamics and was interested in the mechanics of continuum in general. After works in pure mathematics in the early 1930s, he studied the two-dimensional transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows as the first in Russia by presenting the governing relations with the currently standard set of partial differential equations. As a mathematician, he proposed methods of solution and accounted for typical problems of practice. Later, Frankl turned to the general relativity theory and to geophysical hydrodynamics. He was also active with the translation of texts of Leonhard Euler from Latin, thereby adding comments. Frankl was a founding Member of the courses in gas dynamics in 1938. His 1948 monograph on gas dynamics of thin bodies is a classic text in that field. Other texts involve problems in rigid bodies placed in an inviscid fluid, laminar and turbulent boundary layer theories, river hydraulics including sediment transport, and problems with the mass transfer in the atmosphere.
Anonymous (1976). TsAGI 1918-1968. Mazhinostroeine: Moscow (in Russian). P
Bushgens, G.S., Bedritcky, E.L. (1993). F.I. Frankl. TsAgi is the center of aeronautical science:
67. Nauka: Moscow. P
Frankl, F.I., Karpovich, E.A. (1948). Gas dynamics of thin bodies. OGIZ: Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian), English translation by Interscience Publishers: New York, 1953.
Frankl, F.I. (1955). To the theory of suspended sediment motion. Transactions of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kirghizian State University 3 (in Russian).
Frankl, F.I. (1960). On the system of equations of suspended sediment motion. Investigation of the maximum runoff wave influence and sediment control: 132-137. USSR Academy of Sciences: Moscow (in Russian).
Frankl, F.I. (1973). Selected works on gas dynamics. Nauka: Moscow (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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