- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\3.12.1884 Zagorsk/RU - 4.12.1954 Moskva/RU\Vladimir Vasilievich Golubev graduated in 1908 as a mathematician from Moscow University and there submitted a PhD thesis in 1917. He was then until 1930 a professor of applied mathematics at Saratov University to return to Moscow in the same position until retirement in 1954. In parallel, Golubev was a chief engineer at the Central Institute for Aeroand Hydrodynamics TsAGI, Moscow, and headed from 1932 the Institute for Higher Mathematics at the Engineering Academy N.E. Zhukovsky, also in Moscow. Golubev was awarded the title Merit of Scientist of USSR in 1943, and the Red Banner Order in 1944. He was a Corresponding Member of the Division of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the Soviet Academy of Sciences from 1934.\The principal scientific works of Golubev were in aerodynamics and in the theory of functions of a complex variable. He continued and developed the work of Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin (1869-1942) in aeromechanics. Golubev is responsible for a method of calculating wings of finite span, a theory of wing of small extension, and the development of the theory of a laminar boundary layer. He presented important results in the high-lift wing theory and formulated the flapping-wing theory. His primary mathematical works were devoted to the theory of analytic functions and the analytic theory of differential equations. Golubev's works on the history of Russian science are well known. He was awarded four orders and various medals.\Anonymous (1975). Golubev, Vladimir Vasilevich. Great Soviet encyclopedia 7: 261.MacMillan: New York.Anonymous (1976). TsAGI 1918-1968. Mazhinostroenie: Moscow (in Russian). P Anonymous (1985). Vladimir V. Golubev. Uspechi Matematichi Nauk 40(1): 225-229. P Golubev, V.V. (1936). Theory of the slat in a 2D flow. Journal Royal Aeron. Soc. 40: 681-708.Golubev, V.V. (1953). Lectures on integration of the equations of motion of a rigid body about a fixed point. State Publishing House of Theoretical Technical Literature: Moscow.Golubev, V.V. (1957). Trudy po aerodinamike. Gos. Izd-vo: Moscow.Golubev, V.V. (1961). Odnoznachnye analiticheskie funktsii. Gos. Izd.-vo fiziko-matematicheskoi litry: Moskva.Poggendorff, J.C. (1936). Golubev, Vladimir Vasilievich. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 921; 7b: 1690-1692. http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/07/0786.htm P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.