17.9.1912/RU - 6.11.1978 Leningrad/RU
Anatoly Andreevich Grib graduated in 1934 from the Saint Petersburg State University. He then moved to the Tomsk State University where he presented his PhD thesis in the late 1930s. During World War II Grib stayed in Leningrad and was evacuated from there to Saratov University in 1942, following the long German occupation of the city. There he was the vicechairman of the mechanical and the mathematical faculty. After return to Leningrad, he was appointed professor of applied mechanics and stayed there until retirement.
Grib considered in his thesis the problem of wave formation due to an underwater explosion. Once at Leningrad as a professor he took interest in a large number of problems, such as unsteady gas flow, supersonic currents, theory of explosions and detonations, nonlinear waves in general, shock waves and problems related to groundwater flow. He also presented a simplified approach for solving the hydrodynamic equations for plane flow. His particular interest was directed towards the relation between supersonic flows and chemical processes during gas combustion, and the practical issues relative to those processes with rocket design. By applying the Riemann procedure for solving partial differential equations, he published an exact solution of the wave propagation problem in a prismatic tube. He was awarded the Premium of the Leningrad University for that work. Grib may also be considered a predecessor of the works in shock wave propagation close to the source of Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968). Grib extended Landau's results in aerodynamics to hydrodynamics, where similar physical processes may occur for supercritical free surface flows. Together with Sergei Alekseevich Khristianovich (1908-2000), he considered evolution and refraction of water waves. When conducting this research, he was invited to the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Grib is also known for his contributions to the mathematics of nonlinear equations and their solution, such as for the cases mentioned.
Bogatko, V.I., Buratsev, A.I. (1999). Anatoly Andreevich Grib. Hydromechanics: 66-73. 275 years of Saint Petersburg State University and 70th anniversary of the chair of Hydromechanics, V.G. Dulov, ed. State University: Saint Petersburg. P
Grib, A.A. (1944). Propagation of a plane impact wave due to an ordinary explosion near a rigid wall. Prikladnaja matematika i mechanika 8: 169-186, with English summary.
Grib, A.A., Mostepanenko, V.M., Frolov, V.M. (1978). Breaking of conformal symmetry and quantization in curved space-time. Theoretical Mathematics and Physics 37(3): 347-354.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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