- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\5.12.1899 Saint Petersburg/RU - 8.12.1985 Leningrad/RU\Nikolai Evgenievich Kondratiev graduated in 1930 as a civil engineer from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI after having been involved from 1924 to 1928 as a technician in the Kama-Pechora water basin. From 1930 to 1936 he was a chief engineer of Hidroenergoproekt and then until 1942 a chief engineer at the Leningrad Hydraulics Laboratory VNIIG. After active war participation he was from 1943 to 1947 a senior scientific collaborator at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Central Naval Research Institute in Leningrad. Later he was a director of the River Engineering Laboratory in Leningrad. Finally, from 1969 to 1985 Kondratiev was a consultant for the State Hydrologic Institute. He was in the 1950s and the 1960s also a Lecturer on river processes at the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute in Leningrad.\Kondratiev was an expert in wave hydraulics, in morphological processes and in hydraulic engineering. He participated in the design of the Chirchik, and the Permskaya hydropower schemes, where he particularly contributed to spillway design. He was an initiator on shock wave research and means to reduce these standing waves on high-speed water courses. These researches were initiated in the United States by Knapp and Ippen in the 1930s. Whereas the latter restricted their works to the transversally plane spillway bed, Kondratiev investigated the effect of transverse slope on the performance of spillways. He proposed a generalized approach allowing for improvement of spillway flows under a range of discharges. Kondratiev took also interest in the interaction between river flow and bank protection, he was a pioneer in the theory of hydro-morphology. He was a Member of the Soviet National Committee of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR and was awarded the Glushkov Premium.\Kondratiev, N.E. (1940). Sharp bends in high-velocity streams. Izvestiya VNIIG 26: 63-92. Kondratiev, N.E. (1953). Wind wave calculation and reservoir bank deformation. Gidrometeoizdat: Moscow (in Russian).Kondratiev, N.E., Popov, I.V., Znamenskaya, N.S. (1965). Hydro-morphological basis for studying river-bed deformations at unsteady flow. 11 IAHR Congress 3(1): 1-13.Kondratiev, N.E. (2000). Hydromorphologic processes and methods. GGI: Saint Petersburg (in Russian).Melua, A.I. (2001). Kondratiev, Nikolai Evgenievich. Energetics of Russia: 193-194.Humanistica: Moscow, Saint Petersburg (in Russian).
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.