23.11.1895 Nevel/RU - 9.8.1950 Leningrad/RU
Abram Falkovich Lesokhin was born in the Pskov region of Siberia. He graduated as a civil engineer from the Leningrad Institute of Technology in 1928 and there obtained the PhD degree in 1936. He also submitted in 1949 a doctoral thesis to be appointed one year later at Leningrad University professor of hydraulic engineering. Lesokhin was from 1935 to 1941 a chief engineer of the Stalin power plant and then until 1945 headed the design office of the Kirov hydropower plant in Kazakhstan. He lectured from 1945 in hydraulic engineering, yet turned ill and passed away shortly later.
Lesokhin was a specialist in hydromechanics and in hydraulic engineering. He conducted both theoretical and experimental research on the Zhukovsky profiles as used in aerodynamics, based on the method developed by Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky (1847-1921). His results were then applied to turbine runners and designed in the Leningrad metal plant. Similar studies were also conducted by Nikolai Nikolaevich Kovalev (1908-2003) and Georgy Fedorovich Proskura (1876-1958). Lesokhin was in 1947 a Laureate of the Stalin Premium of the second degree. His works include studies in hydro machinery and in dam engineering.
Kovalev, N.N., Kvyatkovsky, V.S. (1957). Construction of hydraulic turbines in the USSR. Gosenergoizdat: Moscow (in Russian).
Lesokhin, A.F. (1934). Approximate methods of bypassing grate profiles. VKTO Journal (in Russian).
Lesokhin, A.F., Simonov, L.A. (1935). Design of Kaplan-type runners by the selective distribution of vortices. Oborongiz: Moscow (in Russian).
Lesokhin, A.F. (1936). Measurement units and scientific and technical terms and notations.
Collection of All-Union Standards, Standartgiz: Moscow (in Russian).
Lesokhin, A.F. (1940). Computation of Zhukovsky profiles for compound grates. Moscow (in Russian).
Lesokhin, A.F. (1946). Axial hydro turbine blade calculation. Leningrad (in Russian).
Melua, A.I. (2001). Lesokhin, Abram Falkovich. Power engineering specialists of Russia: 219.
VNIIG: Saint Petersburg. P
Proskura, G.F. (1934). The hydrodynamics of turbomachines. ONTI: Moscow (in Russian). Time, V.I. (1932). Hydraulic turbines manufactured by the Leningrad Metal Works. VKTO Journal (5-6) (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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