14.9.1885 Odessa/RU - 26.7.1963 New York/USA
Ivan Iosifovich Moskvitinov graduated in 1911 as an hydraulic engineer from the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, later the famous Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI, became there an assistant in hydraulics and there was a Lecturer in hydraulic engineering from 1917. In parallel, he served from 1913 to 1915 as chief of section with the Ministry of Agriculture making hydraulic investigations for irrigation systems in Turkestan. Later, in 1921, he was appointed professor of hydrology at LPI until 1934, when being appointed professor of hydraulic engineering at the Leningrad Industrial Institute. One year later, Moskvitinov moved to the Chair of Industrial Water Supply and in 1942 to Tashkent in Uzbekistan. He had been awarded a Doctor of Engineering in 1940. Following World War II, he accepted an appointment at the International University for Refugees in Munich, Germany, moved on to the United States in 1948 and joined finally the staff of the City College, New York, in 1949. Moskvitinov was a Member of the American Geophysical Union AGU from 1957, and a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The work of Moskvitinov included mainly irrigation and drainage both in education and practice. His professional career fell within the difficult years of the young Soviet era, including World War I and the political difficulties in the 1920s. His 1917 paper resulted from these activities. Later, in the 1930s, Moskvitinov applied more timely methods again to the determination of discharge in a large hydropower station. His move from the USSR to Central Europe first, and later to the USA reflects the unease with the professional conditions of his home country. At the City College, he was the predecessor of Walter Rand (1914-1994).
Anonymous (1963). Ivan Moskvitinov. Engineering News-Record 171(Oct. 3): 59.
Anonymous (1964). Ivan J. Moskvitinov. Trans. AGU 45(1): 335-336.
Melua, A.I. (2001). Moskvitinov, Ivan Iosifovich. Energetics of Russia: 250. Humanistica: Moscow, Saint Petersburg (in Russian).
Moskvitinov, I.I., Girillovich, N.A. (1917). Materials of works for determination of accuracy of discharge measurements in Syr-Daria River. Biuleten Gidrometricheskoie Chasti v Turmestenskom Kraie (6/7): 1-11 (in Russian).
Moskvitinov, I.I. (1935). Application of the Gibson method for water discharge measurement in acceptance tests of turbines at the Dnieper hydroelectric station. Leninskaia Dneprogres (1/2) (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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