15.8.1915 Geneva/CH - 12.5.1980 Leningrad/RU
Albert Izrailevich Pekhovich was born in Switzerland, then a country where a number of Russians with a difficult political background settled. He graduated in 1940 as an electrical engineer from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI, and obtained in 1953 the PhD title. After graduation, Pekhovich was first the head of a mechanical repair workshop, then took part from 1943 in World War II and from 1946 was a scientific collaborator of the Leningrad Hydraulic Laboratory VNIIG, where he stayed until retirement in 1980.
Pekhovich's professional activities were in the development and the computation of ice regimes in reservoirs. He was also interested in ice dynamics in general, the ice formation control, frozen soil behavior and artificial freezing dynamics. With this specialty, Pekhovich contributed to hydropower schemes in the Arctic region, such as the Bratskaya, the Novosibirskaya, the Gorkovskaya and the Ust-Ilimskaya schemes. In addition he was the creator and the first head of the-Thermal Department of VNIIG in Leningrad. Pekhovich was also interested in questions of soil dynamics related again to the soils in the arctic region of his country. Most of his research was published in the VNIIG in-house journal, which initiated in the 1930s and continues as one of the major research institutions after the Russian Confederation took over from the Soviet Union.
Bauquis, A. (2006). Albert Izrailevich Pekhovich. Personal communication. Etat civil: Genève. Melua, A.I. (2001). Pekhovich, Albert Izrailevich. Energetics of Russia: 282-283. Humanistica: Moscow, Saint Petersburg (in Russian).
Pekhovich, A.I. (1955). Towards the computation of the efficiency of heated intake racks. Izvestiya VNIIG 53: 228-240 (in Russian).
Pekhovich, A.I. (1958). Computation of filter velocities between layered soils and a sheet pile consisting of iced cylindrical nucleus. Izvestiya VNIIG 58: 187-200 (in Russian).
Pekhovich, A.I. (1970). Application of equivalence principle to heat conductivity problems. Izvestiya VNIIG 92: 125-137.
Pekhovich, A.I. (1975). Recommendations on thermal calculations in reservoirs. VNIIG: Leningrad (in Russian).
Pekhovich, A.I., Zhidkikh, V.M. (1978). Calculations of a thermal regime in solids. Energiya: Leningrad (in Russian).
Pekhovich, A.I. (1983). Fundamentals of hydro-ice thermodynamics. Energoatomizdat: Leningrad (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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