.. 1869 Kiev/RU - 1.10.1933 Chicago IL/USA
Jacob M. Spitzglass was born in Russia; he wanted to make studies in Austria, but was denied. In 1904 he came to the USA and there also experienced difficulties because being unable to speak English. At age 40 he received from Armour Institute a B.S. and a M.S. in mechanical engineering. Once in the industry, he perfected a steam meter and later joined the Republic Flow Meters Co. He there developed the electric flow meter and was awarded in 1921 the Longstreth Medal from the Franklin Institute. During these years, he joined the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, he was a Secretary of the Research Committee on Fluid Meters. He passed away due to an arterial thrombosis.
Spitzglass correlated and standardized all available data on fluid flow problems, and he independently conducted research culminating in his 1923 paper on orifice coefficients. He in addition wrote a number of other works on fluid flow and associate subjects. As vice-president and chief engineer of the Republic Flow Meters Co, he devoted himself to research and the gathering of an extensive library covering all aspects of fluid mechanics. He also developed a domestic house-heating gas burner which was in the 1930s the most widely sold apparatus of its type in the middle West. Spitzglass had also invented in 1915 a slide rule for calculating the discharge of pipe flow, a device that was extensively used by engineers until the 1960s. The Pitot-Spitzglass tube discloses a method for measuring fluid discharge by transmitting the pressure of a flow to suitable outside means for recording the volumetric discharge of conduit flow. The principal problem of this invention was to provide a form of the Pitot tube transmitting the pressure relating to the average cross-sectional flow velocity.
Anonymous (1917). J.M. Spitzglass. American Gas Engineering Journal 106(May 26): 528. Anonymous (1933). Jacob M. Spitzglass. Instruments 6: 208. P
Anonymous (1933). Jacob M. Spitzglass. Power Plant Engineering 37(11): 495. P Anonymous (1933). Jacob M. Spitzglass. American Machinist 77: 660h. Spitzglass, J.M. (1922). Orifice coefficients. Trans. ASME 44: 919-972.
Spitzglass, J.M. (1923). Orifice coefficients — Data and results of tests. Mechanical Engineering 45(6): 342-348. spitzglass+pitot&hl=de&gl=ch&ct=clnk&cd=1

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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  • List of Individuals — see also about The following is a list of all individuals considered, with name, first name(s), years of birth and death, * portrait available and location of main professional activity. Names of persons contained in volume 1 are in italic and… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

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