1.8.1922 Leningrad/RU - 15.10.2005 Moskva/RU
Georgy Yurievich Stepanov joined in 1940 the Red Army and thus only in 1946 graduated from the Armored Forces Academy AFA, and from 1950 he was an assistant of that institution. In parallel he was throughout his lifetime associated with the Moscow State University, where he met colleagues such as Leonid Ivanovich Sedov (1907-1999), Nikolai Alekseevich Slezkin (1905-1991) and Gorimir Gorimirovich Chernyi (1923-). From 1968 he there was a senior scientist at the Institute of Mechanics. He headed the AFA engine department from the early 1970s. Stepanov was elected to the National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; he was an Editorial Board Member of the journal Fluid Mechanics, and a Member of the International Astronautic Academy.
While still being am assistant Lecturer, Stepanov began also his association with the Central Institute of Aviation, where he later submitted his candidate thesis and his doctoral thesis on the hydrodynamics of turbo machinery. Subsequently he carried out extensive research into rocket engine gas dynamics. Stepanov authored over 100 papers, embracing the general theory of machinery, theoretical mechanics, applied and theoretical hydrodynamics and gas dynamics, and the history of sciences and engineering. During his stay at AFA, Stepanov published textbooks in the theory of vibrations and gyroscopes, and the dynamics of mechanical systems. In hydrodynamics he contributed to the average axisymmetric flow and plane viscous flow across blade systems. He also proposed novel relevant turbine design parameters that were investigated in experimental observations. Two textbooks of the 1960s relate to turbine design and to the hydrodynamic theory of air cushion vehicles. Another book of the 1970s presents the gas dynamics of rocket engine nozzles, and one of the 1980s introduces inertial air cleaners.
Anonymous (1992). Georgy Yurievich Stepanov. Fluid Dynamics 27(4): 449-450. Gogish, L.V., Stepanov, G.Y. (1979). Turbulentnye otryvnye technikha. Nauka: Moscow. Stepanov, G.Y. (1962). Gidrodinamika reshetok turbomashin. Mashgiz: Moscow.
Stepanov, G.Y. (1970). The hydrodynamic theory of blades. 50 years Mechanics in the USSR
1917-1967 2: 104-152, L.I. Sedov, ed. Nauka: Moscow.
Stepanov, G.Y., Zitser, I.M. (1986). Inertsionnye vozdukhochistiteli. Mashinostroenie: Moscow. Stepanov, G.Y. (1990). Gidromekhanika. Nauka: Moscow.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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