- SPAIN (see also List of Individuals)\1.4.1917 La Coruña/E - 28.3.1978 La Coruña/E\Luciano Yordi graduated as a civil engineer in 1946 from Madrid. He started to build dams at General Gallega de Electricidad S.A. completing thereby first the hydroelectric installation on the Tambre River in Galicia, with a gravity dam of the same name. Yordi continued in 1955 with the Fuerzas Electricas del Noroeste S.A., then one of the largest utility companies of Spain. Later, he built other gravity dams including the Regueiro and the Cecebre Dams for La Coruña's water supply. In 1960, Yordi built his first arch dam, the Eume, with double curvature of circular arcs that have a single center. During this period he initiated a fruitful collaboration with the Portuguese National Civil Engineering Laboratories LNEC in Lisbon, where the structural tests were carried out. From 1957 to 1963 Yordi then advanced to the 129 m high Belesar double curvature Dam. This project was his most important, not only because of the structural but also the impressive hydraulic features and the underground power station. Further hydraulic works in which Yordi was involved were the Castrelo and the Albarellos Dams. Finally, he proceeded to other dams on the Miño River and there set up a dam series mainly to cope with floods. Yordi terminated his outstanding career as a dam designer with the Salas buttress Dam.\Yordi built dams of nearly every type and is considered one of the pioneers of arch dams in Spain. His career was almost entirely spent in Galicia, the northwestern part of Spain, with a climate different from the South, with large rainfalls producing floods.\Anonymous (1978). Iltmo. Sr. Luciano Yordi de Carricarte. Revista de Obras Públicas 126: 592. Anonymous (1978). Retrato de un hombre: Luciano Yordi de Carricarte. La voz de Galicia S.A. P Castro-Orgaz, O. (2007). Luciano Yordi de Carricarte. Personal communication.Sáenz Ridruejo, F. (2006). Dam engineers in Spain. Dams in Spain: 428. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos: Madrid. PYordi, L. (1951). Presa del Tambre. Revista de Obras Públicas 99(2838): 481-490.Yordi, L. (1959). Ataguía de Belesar sobre el río Miño. Revista de Obras Públicas 107(2929): 284-293.Yordi, L. (1960). Aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico del río Eume. Gráficos: Madrid.Yordi, L. (1961). Evolución de los perfiles de las presas en arco y ajuste de la bóveda a la cerrada. Públicas Iberduero, Número extraordinario.Yordi, L. (1967). Aspectos humanos de la construcción. Organización Sindical: La Coruña.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.