24.8.1892 Stockholm/S - 1.8.1957 Stockholm/S
Einar Hogner graduated in 1916 from the Technical University of Stockholm and then joined for two years an engineering company. He moved in 1918 to Uppsala University and there prepared a PhD thesis. From 1925 to 1937, he there lectured in mechanics and mathematics. In parallel, he was from 1926 to 1928 and in 1931 a scientific officer at Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt. Hogner was appointed in 1937 professor of mechanics and mathematics at Chalmers University and there took over as professor of hydromechanics in 1943. He was elected Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1940. Hogner regularly participated in the IUTAM Congresses, such as in those of Zurich in 1926 and Stockholm in 1930. He also was a Fellow of the Institution of Naval Architects.
Hogner was one of the outstanding naval engineers and hydrodynamicists of the early 20th century. His first work on ship waves was published in 1925, before he went to Germany and where he came in contact with other prominent scientists, such as Günther Kempf (1885-1961), Fritz Weinig (1900-1970) or Georg Weinblum (1897-1974). During the 1932 Conference on the hydromechanical problems of ship propulsion in Hamburg, Hogner presented a notable paper on the relation between the shape of a ship and its wave resistance. Hogner's work included both experiments and a theory for ship resistance, which was based on the classic theory of Thomas Henry Havelock (1877-1968). Hogner was able to explain the particular phenomenon described by William Froude (1810-1879) relating to wave interference and wave resistance. Later, from World War II, Hogner investigated the stability of boats with a novel approach.
Anonymous (1946). Hogner, Einar Gustaf Evald. Svenska män och kvinnor 3: 494-495.
Bonniers: Stockholm. P
Hogner, E. (1923). Contributions to the theory of ship waves. Arkiv foer Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik 17(12): 1-50.
Hogner, E. (1925). Contributions to the theory of ship waves. Norstedt: Stockholm.
Hogner, E. (1932). Schiffsform und Wellenwiderstand. Werft Reederei Hafen 13(15): 221-222.
Hogner, E. (1932). Några försök att åstadkomma axelsymmetrisk medströmsfördelning kring fartygs-propellrar. Teknisk Tidskrift 62(S12): 85-88.
Hogner, E. (1953). Fartygs stabilitet. Teknisk Tidskrift 83(50): 985-989.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1936). Hogner, Einar Gustav Evald. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwör- terbuch 6: 1143; 7b: 2046-2047. Verlag Chemie: Leipzig, with bibliography.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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